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Will COVID-19 injection producers be held responsible for violating Florida law?

held responsible for violating Florida law?

Yesterday, the Supreme Court of Florida granted Governor Ron DeSantis’ request to have a grand jury convened in order to investigate the evidence and determine whether or not COVID-19 injection producers should be held responsible for violating Florida law.

The announcement that the state of Florida will be taking action to hold pharmaceutical companies accountable for COVID shot-related injuries and misconduct was made by Governor DeSantis on December 13 during a live roundtable conference titled “Public Health Integrity Committee.” This conference was attended by medical professionals as well as citizens who had been injured by vaccines.

According to statements made by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, “It is against the law to mislead and misrepresent in the state of Florida, especially when you are talking about the effectiveness of a medicine.”

“1. A statewide grand jury shall be promptly impaneled for a term of twelve calendar months, to run from the date of impanelment, with jurisdiction throughout the State of Florida, to investigate crime, return indictments, make presentments, and otherwise perform all functions of a grand jury with regard to the offenses stated herein,” read the order from the Florida Supreme Court. “2. A statewide grand jury shall be promptly impaneled for a term of twelve calendar months, to run from the date 

  1. The members of the grand jury for the state will be selected at random from the certified jury lists that have been presented by the chief judges of the Fifth, Sixth, Tenth, Twelfth, and Thirteenth Judicial Circuits.

“3. The Honorable Ronald Ficarrotta, who serves as Chief Judge in and over the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, has been selected as the Presiding Judge over the Statewide Grand Jury. The Honorable Ronald Ficarrotta, in his capacity as the presiding judge, shall maintain judicial supervision of the statewide grand jury, and all indictments, presentments, and formal returns of any kind made by such grand jury shall be returned to the presiding judge. In addition, the statewide grand jury shall return to the presiding judge all formal returns of any kind. In the case of scheduling conflicts or for any other reason, as well as to provide assistance with the administrative procedure of the statewide grand jury, the presiding judge may choose to nominate an alternative presiding judge. 

  1. “John A. Tomasino, Clerk of the Supreme Court of Florida, is hereby designated clerk of this statewide grand jury and is empowered to deputize any clerk of a circuit court or any deputy clerk of a circuit court to issue necessary process and to carry out the administrative functions of the statewide grand jury,” the order read. This designation gives Tomasino the authority to deputize any clerk of a circuit court or any deputy clerk of a circuit court to issue necessary processes.

During the conference, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, the Surgeon General of Florida, said that the state would be boosting its monitoring in regards to dishonesty in the scientific community as well as dishonesty in the media. Dr. Ladapo made the following statement while he was discussing the unethical relationship that exists between the media and pharmaceutical companies: Our media has clearly demonstrated that it is impossible to accurately report on something when you are taking money from that same something.

Dr. Ladapo made reference to a recent investigation that was carried out at a university in Germany. The investigation included carrying out autopsy on people who had unexpectedly passed away only a few weeks after having a COVID-19 injection. It was determined that four out of the thirty-five individuals who had passed away unexpectedly had myocarditis, which might be directly linked to the mRNA injection.

Ladapo is quoted as saying, “It is crucial to highlight that all of these persons died abruptly at home and that these folks are not included in the figures that the CDC likes to pretend are correct.” Within a few weeks of receiving the COVID-19 immunization, we will be doing research on the cases of myocarditis that occurred in persons who passed away. A number of our state’s medical examiners in Florida, as well as academics from the University of Florida, are going to collaborate on this monitoring project. We shall provide a solution to this issue, which most likely prevents the CEOs of Pfizer and Moderna from getting a good night’s sleep.

Dr. Peter McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, and author of several scholarly articles on cardiovascular research. He has made it public knowledge that the COVID-19 mRNA injection is poisonous, harmful, and the cause of sudden cardiac death in many people. In point of fact, when Dr. McCullough first started speaking out in the year 2021, he referred to the mRNA injections of spike protein as being among the most dangerous substances that have ever been administered intravenously to a human body.

He stated, “There are now 200 papers showing that myocarditis (from the COVID vaccine spike protein) causes heart damage and a scar, and then the scar becomes the basis for a cardiac arrhythmia, and then the arrhythmia is responsible for the sudden death that we are seeing, and we are seeing sudden death on a massive scale in younger people, and it is my view that it is the COVID-19 vaccine until proven otherwise. ” If a healthy individual suddenly passes away, and there is no history of sickness, the cause will be assumed to be the vaccination until it can be shown differently.

Mat Staver, the founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, said that the COVID-19 doses would have been discontinued a long time ago if the vaccine producers had been held to the same standards of culpability as medication manufacturers. These injections are all about profit and there is no accountability, and that is something that has to change. Sadly, a great number of lives have already been lost as a direct consequence of this. Praise be to Governor Ron DeSantis for taking the initiative to launch an investigation into the gravest case of vaccination fraud in the annals of medical history.

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