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Who is responsible for the attacks on power facilities?

attacks on power facilities

The federal authorities are now investigating who is responsible for the attacks that have been carried out on power facilities all around the United States.

Because large acts of sabotage have been carried out in recent days on both the east & west coasts, it is impossible that a single person is responsible for all of these incidents.

There had been a total of 106 assaults on the electrical system in the United States during the first 8 months of this year, which is the largest number ever documented in a single year.

This is the highest number that has ever been recorded.

Given that winter will shortly start in earnest, we can only hope that the authorities will be able to solve this enigma before the season changes. What preparations have you made in the event that a prolonged power outage occurs in your area sometime in the next several months and lasts for many days?

Nobody is attempting to argue that the recent run of assaults that we’ve been watching is an “accident,” and ABC News is claiming that “federal officials are examining” this extremely troubling pattern…

ABC News was informed by a senior police department source that the federal government is conducting an investigation into a number of recently reported sabotage incidents against power firms.

This decision was made after many substations in North Carolina were hit by gunfire, which resulted in the loss of electricity for tens of thousands of people for several days.

According to the source, after the event, representatives from the energy firms have been in contact with federal officials in recent weeks to request an investigation.

The most recent occurrence that took place in Carolina was quite concerning.

At about 7 o’clock on Saturday evening, shots were fired at two electricity substations located in Moore County. The authorities are referring to this incident as “a planned and organized assault”…

All of Duke Energy’s North Carolina customers were given their power back on Wednesday evening, 4 days after 45,000 people were left in the dark as a result of what authorities have described as a deliberate and organized assault on 2 substations in Moore County. Moore Sheriff’s Office Ronnie Fields had said that there is no information available about the attack’s motivation. In addition, it is unclear what kinds of safety precautions were taken to avoid such an incident from happening.

Who exactly is to blame then?

Now, it would seem that the authorities have a policy in place for matters of this kind. When in doubt, point the finger toward those on the right.

It has come to light that a drag performance was taking place at the same moment that the assaults on the substations were taking place, and as a result, the investigation has shifted its emphasis to that potential motive…

On Saturday evening at the same time, that gunfire was directed against the electric facilities in Southern Pines, North Carolina, an LGBTQ group had arranged for a drag performance to take place at the Sunrise Theater near Southern Pines. The concert was scheduled to begin at around the same time.

As a result of the disaster, the authorities proclaimed a state of emergency and around 32,000 people in the southeast did not have access to electricity until Thursday.

Now, investigators are trying to determine whether or not the criticism that the concert for those aged 18 and older got in the time leading up to the performance was a contributing factor in the targeted assault.

This hypothesis may or might not turn into being correct, yet what about all the other assaults that have been happening around the country?

A few substations inside the Portland region were assaulted only a few days before the sabotage that took place in North Carolina…

Utility companies report that two power transformers in the Portland metropolitan region have been intentionally destroyed. Both events occurred prior to targeted gunshots that damaged substation infrastructure in Carolina, which resulted in the loss of electricity for thousands of people in that state.

Clackamas County was the target of an assault on two distinct substation locations, one belonging to Portland General Electric and the other to the Bonneville Power Administration.

Are we talking about the same folks that boarded an airplane and flew to the eastern seaboard in order to blow up several substations in Carolina after they had already done so in the Portland, Oregon, area?

Of course not.

It would seem that something extremely weird is taking place, and a document from federal law enforcement that was just made public gives the impression that these assaults are unquestionably being organized in advance…

According to a report released by federal law enforcement, substations in the Pacific Northwest have described assaults including “hand tools, fires, weapons, and metal chains potentially in response to an internet call for attacks on vital infrastructure.” This information was found in a memo.

The document said that in previous assaults, criminal actors have circumvented security barriers by either cutting the links of the fence, setting fires nearby, blasting equipment from a distance, or hurling things over the fence and onto equipment.

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