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Trudeau Gives Cambodia 1Million Dollars

Trudeau Gives Cambodia 1Million

Trudeau has committed one million dollars to the removal of landmines and cluster explosives in Cambodia and Laos. But when it come to CLEAN drinking water for Native Canadians their seems to be NO money, why is that some are asking?

Can PM Justin Trudeau Be Trusted?

It has been announced by Justin Trudeau that the Canadian government would contribute about one million dollars to the effort to clear Southeast Asia of unexploded mines and cluster bombs.

As the meeting of the (ASEAN) heads toward its conclusion in Cambodia, he made the commitment of $990,000.00 during a gathering that was centered on the participation of women in security.

The funds will be used to help programmes in Cambodia & Laos to remove unexploded ordinances that are the result of civil conflicts and also American bombardment during the War In vietnam.

Once again, The Canadian government is contributing about one million bucks to clear Southeast Asia of abandoned AMERICAN landmines and cluster bombs, as announced by Prime Minister Trudeau, and completely ignores the needs on so many Canadians.

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