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Trump’s reelection in 2020 was fraudulently taken away

It is common knowledge among those who are able to think for themselves and examine the facts that the documentary “2,000 Mules,” which was made by Dinesh D’Souza, demonstrated without a reasonable doubt that Donald Trump’s reelection in 2020 was fraudulently taken away from him.

As reported by Revolver News on November 4, 2020, in the early hours after Voting Day, Trump was ahead by significant amounts of votes in the key swing states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, all of which he won four years earlier. However, by the end of the week, Trump had ‘lost’ these states after Dems flooded deep-blue municipalities (like Philadelphia as well as Detroit, where Democratic politicians still own political machines) with fictitious ballots. This was due to the fact that Democrats had flooded these districts with

Particularly problematic is the state of Pennsylvania. There, Donald Trump had a commanding lead of 700,000 votes on the evening of November 3, but he ended up ‘losing’ to Joe Biden by a margin of thousands of votes just four days later. This was due to the fact that the ballots took so long to count.’ In point of fact, readers may remember that the Democratic stronghold in battleground states, such as Pennsylvania and Michigan, halted counting operations in the early morning hours and pledged to start back up the following morning. That had never happened before.

Worse, the report noted that many of the adjustments in the election process were implemented by supreme court justices but also secretaries of state that were in clear breach of existing state legislation concerning the governing and ability to handle elections that were passed by legislatures. The report also noted that many of the shifts in election procedures had been implemented by judges as well as secretaries of state. Only thing is, none of that made a difference because not a solitary federal court or the United States Supreme Court might well hear lawsuits filed by Trump’s campaign insinuating that the recent changes in the months and weeks even before the election were illegal. These lawsuits were brought on the basis that the changes were made in violation of the law.

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