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The FDA is refusing to share important safety evaluations about the “vaccine”

Government regulators have stated that they will not release any of the agency’s Covid-19 “vaccine” safety analyses for independent review. The reasoning behind this decision is that the findings are internal discussions that are shielded from public view by law.

Last July, The Epoch Times sent a request to the FDA requesting that any studies that were carried out using a specific technique known as Empirical Bayesian data harvesting be made available to them. Comparing the adverse events observed after injecting with a Fauci Flu vaccination to the adverse events documented after administration with another non-covid vaccination is what this approach entails.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) utilized whatever statistics were generated by these studies to justify forcing vaccinations against the Chinese Virus on everyone, including newborns and toddlers. (Related: If you want additional information, have a look at our older article regarding the questionable secrecy maintained by the FDA.)

According to the operational procedures that were established by the bureau and its partner in January 2021 as well as February 2022, the FDA is required to perform data mining “at least biweekly,” if not more frequently than that, in order to spot adverse events that have been “reported more frequently than an anticipated following shot of COVID-19 inoculations.” These numbers were supposed to originate from VAERS.

To fast forward to the present day, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is currently refusing to release any information regarding this data mining. They are doing this by claiming an exempt status to the (FOIA), which permits governments to hold back inter-agency and memorandums or letters “that would not be obtainable by law to a person other than an organization in litigation with the agency.”

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