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Prices of Homes in Australia Drop to LOWEST in 40 Years

As a result of falling demand brought on by increasing interest rates and other cost-of-living factors, Australian housing prices had their largest monthly decline in Aug since records began being kept. This decline threatens to weaken personal wealth and confidence.

Statistics from CoreLogic that were released on Thursday revealed that prices dropped 1.6 percent countrywide in August, following a decrease of 1.3 percent in July. It was the biggest monthly reduction since 1983, and it pushed yearly price growth downward to 4.7 percent, compared with a record of almost 21 percent toward the end of last year.

A long way away from the 25- percent gains achieved over a bumper 2021, Sydney once more headed the retreat with rates falling by 2.3 percentage points in August & 2.5 percent compared to a year earlier. These figures are a far cry from the bumper 2021’s 25 percent gains.

The sickness has now spread to other big cities, with Melbourne’s population dropping by 1.2 percent, Brisbane’s dropping by 1.8 percent, and Canberra’s dropping by 1.7 percent. Prices in the nation’s capital cities saw an overall decrease of 1.6 percent during August, bringing the yearly decline to 3.8 percent.

All regions began to struggle as prices dropped by 1.5 percent, putting an end to a bull run that was pushed by the pandemic as people moved to the country for a larger area to live in.

[File: Steven Saphore/Reuters] August was the steepest decline in Australian property values that we’ve seen in the last four decades.

Tim Lawless the research director at CoreLogic, pointed out that despite the fact that home prices are still substantially higher than they were before the pandemic, this equity cushion appears set to be reduced even further.

The financial markets are now anticipating that the cash rate, which is currently 1.85%, will be closer to 4.00% by the start of next year. Banks have significantly increased the fees of borrowing cash for any new fixed-rate mortgage and also have tightened their conditions for lending money.

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