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CUPE has submitted another strike notice

In accordance with the education minister of the province of Ontario and the organization that represents education employees, the Canadian Organization of Public Workers (CUPE) has submitted another strike notice, which puts education workers in a position where they may once again walk off the job in the province.

In a statement issued on Wednesday, Stephen Lecce said that since talks restarted just a few days earlier, the province had also put forward lots of offers that’d add tens of millions of dollars all across the industry, particularly for lower-income earners,” and yet CUPE has currently rejected them. Lecce made this statement in response to CUPE’s rejection of the province’s offers. “I believe that it is completely unjust to the children. In a conversation with reporters in Queen’s Park, Lecce said that what was being discussed was superfluous.

“We need to be having these conversations around the table in order to strike a compromise that is beneficial not just to the members but also to our children. And I think it’s safe to say that all of us are saddened by the decision that the union has made to go in this direction.

“But this government will remain resolute and remain focused at the podium to get an agreement, particularly considering that we’ve presented a more favorable option with more cash — a substantial increase, hundreds of millions of dollars more now for lower-paid workers,” he said. “But this administration will stay resolved & stay focused at the table to get a deal.”

The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) published a statement on Wednesday morning saying that education employees had served to warn of a possible province-wide strike, which may begin within the next 5 days.

According to the statement, the central bargaining committee for CUPE’s Ontario Public Schools Council of Unions (OSBCU) was capable of reaching a happy medium with the province on wages; however, it alleges that the government “rejected to invest in the services which students need as well as parents expect, which precipitated this escalation.”

In the release, Laura Walton, who is the head of CUPE’s Ontario Education Department Council of Unions, stated that the union is focusing on enhancing employment for education professionals as well as increasing services for kids. CUPE is an international labor organization.

According to the union, the province only provided a 3.59% rise.

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