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Benjamin Netanyahu Made a Shocking Revelation

Benjamin Netanyahu

Benjamin Netanyahu made a shocking revelation after he was once again reinstated as Israel’s prime minister. He revealed that he had coerced Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla to transform the “Holy Land” into a “lab for Pfizer” to unleash its covid “vaccines.” Netanyahu was reinstated as Israel’s prime minister last month.

In a recent interview with the philosopher Doctor Jordan Peterson, Netanyahu made a series of shocking admissions regarding how the Israeli ppl were being used as human guinea pigs in an experiment being conducted by Pfizer – all thanks to Netanyahu’s goading of Pfizer. Netanyahu did not show any shame in making these admissions.

“I mentioned it in my book, my talks with Albert Bourla, Pfizer, and I encouraged him to give small Israel than the required vaccinations so that we could escape first from the covid,” Netanyahu confessed. “I also persuaded him to give us the essential vaccines to get us out from the covid.”

“The reason I was able to accomplish that is that we have databases that are 98% dedicated to medical information. 98% of our populace has a digital version of their medical information as well as a “little card.”

Netanyahu exploited the technology that is employed in Israel’s medical records to coerce the Israeli people into being vaccinated. This technology made it possible to quickly and easily retrieve a person’s “vaccinated” or “unvaccinated” status. This is how the “passport” program for vaccines in the Middle Eastern nation was able to be implemented.

Netanyahu said, “I said, we’ll utilize it to inform you if these vaccinations – what they do to individuals, no particular persons, not with their unique identities. ” “But statistically speaking, what effects does it have on individuals who have meningitis? What effects does it have on those who have high blood pressure? What is it that you want to know?”

“As a result, Pfizer made Israel its laboratory, if you will, and that is how we accomplished our goal. We disseminated the knowledge to everyone, and it has not only been written up in many medical journals and other publications. That’s a database that’s available to us.”

Netanyahu wants large pharmaceutical companies to “run algorithms” on Israel’s medical information in order to facilitate the construction of a genetic database.
Netanyahu has said that his ultimate objective is to construct a new DNA database that is comprehensive enough to encompass the whole population of Israel by expanding upon Israel’s existing database of personal medical information.

He is of the opinion that the majority of Israelis would gladly contribute a particular saliva sample to that DNA database if given the opportunity. During the course of the conversation, he emphasized that those individuals who are reluctant might easily be paid with money.

Netanyahu responded lightly to the issue by speculating that “maybe we’ll compensate them.” “At this point, we are in possession of a genetic record as well as a health record of a healthy population. You have a diverse population, but we have individuals from one hundred different countries. This is an extremely robust piece of machinery.

“Now, I want the pharmaceutical businesses and the medical companies to each run their own algorithms on this information. […] However, it is possible to establish a biotechnological business that does not yet exist, which is not only unheard of but also unimagined.

It is important to remember that what Netanyahu fessed up to in this interview regarding Pfizer’s access to records about Israelis as well as their medical conditions was actually rejected by the Department of Health, which also claims that Pfizer wasn’t ever given said access – therefore who is lying? It is crucial to remember that what Netanyahu did admit to during this interview regarding Pfizer’s access to records about Israelis or their medical issues was denied by the Ministry of Health.

In 2021, Bourla made many of the same statements that Netanyahu appears to have done in this recent interview, as well as an admission about the fact that Israel “has become the world’s lab right now because they are using just our vaccine at this state and they’ve vaccinated a really big part of their inhabitants, so we can study both economy or health indices.” Netanyahu made this admission in the context of discussing the fact that Israel “has become the world’s lab right now since they are only using our vaccine at this state and they have

It is believed that the United States government is utilizing a system called “precision monitoring” to conduct comparable surveillance, but maybe not as in-depth, on those who have had their complete vaccination for at least two years after their injections.

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