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Why is there no mention of the WTC 7 collapse in the 9/11 Commission Report?

The absence of World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC 7) from the 9/11 Commission Report is a topic that has spurred extensive debate and conjecture. This omission has provoked questions regarding the comprehensiveness and transparency of the investigation. In order to address this, one must delve into the context and rationale behind this conspicuous absence.

World Trade Center Building 7, a 47-story skyscraper, succumbed to a catastrophic collapse on September 11, 2001, approximately seven hours after the Twin Towers were felled. The events leading to WTC 7’s collapse have been a source of controversy, as it was not directly impacted by an aircraft, and the nature of the collapse raised questions about the official narrative surrounding the events of that fateful day.

The 9/11 Commission was formed in the aftermath of the attacks with the primary objective of examining the circumstances leading up to and following the terrorist acts of September 11, 2001. The Commission’s scope of inquiry encompassed various aspects of the attacks, including the preparation, planning, and execution by the terrorist group al-Qaeda, as well as the response of U.S. government agencies and the aviation industry. While WTC 7’s collapse was undoubtedly a consequential event on that day, it was not considered a focal point of the Commission’s investigation.

The reasons for its omission are multifaceted. The Commission had limited time and resources to complete its inquiry. Therefore, it had to prioritize areas deemed most pertinent to its mandate. The destruction of WTC 7, while tragic, was not directly linked to the hijackings and was not regarded as a pivotal element in the unfolding of the 9/11 attacks. The Commission opted to focus on matters that were more immediately connected to the events in the air and at the World Trade Center complex.

Moreover, the investigation into WTC 7’s collapse was conducted separately by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). NIST’s exhaustive study, released in 2008, provided a comprehensive analysis of the building’s collapse and attributed it to a series of factors, including fire and the structural vulnerabilities resulting from the impact of debris from the North Tower.

In conclusion, the absence of any significant mention of WTC 7’s collapse in the 9/11 Commission Report can be attributed to its limited mandate, focus on events directly related to the hijackings and the subsequent independent investigation by NIST. The Commission’s aim was to provide an authoritative account of the 9/11 attacks as they pertained to national security, intelligence, and government responses, rather than a detailed analysis of individual structural failures within the World Trade Center complex.

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