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CDC asking for the Genocide of White People

Genocide of White People

An official who worked for the Obama administration and sat on the CDC Advisory Board on Immunization has been caught on tape asking for the genocide of white people in the United States in order to get rid of those who refuse to be vaccinated.

In the footage, which can be seen embedded below in the audio for today’s Situation Update, Dr. Carol Baker can be seen providing her “solution” to the problem on camera:

Therefore, I know the answer. When looking at vaccination skeptics, each and every report that has been released in the last 5 years… I am not referring to… reluctance; the majority of these issues can be resolved by conversation. But those who resist. We’ll simply have to get rid of every single white person in the United States… Can you guess who is the most eager to be vaccinated? Immigrants.

This story was covered by various alternative media sources.

Reportedly connected to both Pfizer and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Dr. Baker has an interest in the pharmaceutical industry.

Notably, in 2009, then-Secretary of Health and Human Resources Kathleen Sebelius selected Baker as Chair of the Advisory Board on Immunization for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In addition, the Houston physician was presented with the 2019 Albert B. Sabin Gold Medal by the Sabin Vaccine Institute at a ceremony that took place in Washington, D.C., and was “partially funded by The Gates Family Foundation and Pfizer.”

It is in line with the sinister goals of the Biden administration and globalists for Dr. Baker to make what sounds like a demand for the genocide of white people in the United States. In this scenario, all white people will be eradicated & replaced with immigrants.

They want to establish a global dictatorship that rules over a population that is enslaved and living in abject poverty, as well as exterminate billions of people living on planet Earth.

Vaccines give an easy means to remove the naive, obedient, and uneducated masses, but those people who refuse to get vaccines are currently being exposed to other kinds of attempted extermination.

The energy and food infrastructure is being demolished in preparation for the coming collapse.

The nation’s food supply and energy infrastructures are both being systematically undermined in an effort to bring about the economic collapse of the United States and plunge the majority of the population into abject poverty and starvation.

The anti-human globalists see this strategy as a way to trap vaccination opponents who are too savvy to be readily duped into committing vaccine-assisted death via simple manipulation.

A breakdown in the supply chain of food will have an effect on every person, regardless of whether or not they have been vaccinated since everyone eats.

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