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Update: Why Chris Cuomo Was FIRED

Chris Cuomo FIRED - About Time Some say

Fresh information emerged regarding why CNN chose to sack Chris Cuomo as the media network carries out an inquiry toward his connection to brother Andrew Cuomo’s sex-related scandal.

Legal Representative Debra S. Katz mentioned in a report that she is speaking for an individual that alleges Chris Cuomo participated in “major sex-related misbehavior” against her at a different media network.

Katz said she “informed CNN of the accusations”, and that the accusations are what resulted in Chris Cuomo being sacked.

Katz also said:

Following unwanted sexual advances accusations facing Andrew Cuomo, Chris Cuomo looked straight into the camera and told the viewing audiences, “I care deeply about these issues and profoundly so. I just needed to tell you this.” Consequently, the Attorney general of the United States published jaw-dropping documentation showing that Chris Cuomo enjoyed and played an active part in badmouthing women and making unwanted sexual advances.

Wednesday, December 1st, 2021, I called CNN so as to reveal my client’s allegations against Chris Cuomo. Friday, I was in talks with CNN regarding supplying documentary proof of my client’s claims and making my client accessible to talk to CNN’s counsel. CNN took action quickly on my client’s grievance and even let go of Mr. Cuomo.

My client stepped forward to share her story to help other females dealing with this same situation She is going to continue to work with CNN’s inquiry into her claims. Given the attributes of her claims, she wants to be anonymous, and our company asks that everyone respects that decision.

CNN publicized the firing on Saturday night, pointing out that in the course of their probe that “more relevant information” came to light and that CNN is going to keep on looking into the accusations despite the fact that Chris Cuomo is no longer with the network.

” This is definitely not the way I want my time at CNN to finish, however, I have pretty much told you the reason that I helped my brother,” Chris Cuomo explained in a report. “Therefore, allow me now to point out that as frustrating as this is, I could not be more proud of the team for Cuomo Prime Time and the job we carried out as CNN’s # 1 show, in one of the most competitive times slots. I owe them all, and will miss this team of unique individuals that did truly amazing work.”

Below is that video for your viewing pleasure…


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