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There is an open plot by technocrats at the World Economic Forum to implant sensors that monitor and record people’s Brain

The final barrier to the technological revolution is the capacity to control someone’s mind. The ability to monitor an individual’s every utterance, transaction, and sale is being greatly facilitated by technological advancements. The human mind is the last refuge from the prying eyes of others, but for the time being this refuge remains secure.

This won’t be the case for much longer if the technocrats get their way.

Klaus Shwaub, the cartoon villain from the James Bond cartoons, introduced the concept of shared consciousness at Davos by saying, “Can you imagine that in ten years when we are sitting here, we have an implant in our brains and I can immediately feel… because you all will have implants [gesturally indicating audience], I can measure your brain waves?” It was the possibility of a unified mind that Shwaub was describing.

Klaus Shwaub, the cartoon villain

The Duke University professor Nita Farahany was also present at Davos, and she surveyed the attendees to assess the current state of mind-monitoring devices.

It is conceivable that the technology is more advanced than is publicly acknowledged because the technocrats have a propensity to roll out disputed breakthroughs slowly in order to gently acclimatize the slaves to their new surroundings.

Notice how Farahany, Schwab, and the other WEF technocrats don’t seem to have any qualms about implementing these game-changing technologies. Normal individuals who do not desire ultimate control do not casually discuss the monitoring of every human being’s brain activity 24 hours a day, seven days a week without any awareness of the apparent risks of misuse. It follows that they must be missing a crucial component of the human psyche or soul if they are able to separate their efforts to advance The ScienceTM from the normal human intuition that would otherwise guide them. This is the only reasonable inference to draw from the available data.

To help his audience at the World Economic Forum (WEF) grasp the implications of ongoing mind monitoring for daily life, Farahany presented an animation accompanied by a brief story.

Given the rules barring intra-office romance, the story centres around a dystopian techno-hell workplace where the victim’s supervisor is monitoring her brain activity to make sure she is paying attention to her work and not fantasizing about having sex with her coworker.

Later, government officials enter the protagonist’s workplace, grab control of all office workers’ mental activity, and sift through it without consideration of context, looking for “synchronized brain activity” amongst coworkers in order to discover who was thinking which illegal ideas.

George Orwell may have been a gifted futurist and writer, but he disagreed with Aldous Huxley on the subject of technology’s contribution to the rise of totalitarianism. While Orwell was quite perceptive when it came to power dynamics, he was less clear on how the state would necessarily employ technology to underpin its authority.

Huxley, on the other hand, had ties to the transhumanist and technocratic elite that, even at the turn of the 20th century, yearned for total control over humanity. Among these aims was the manipulation of people’s minds in addition to their bodies.

Like Huxley’s Brave New World, the future of slavery will rely less on physical coercion to keep people in line and more on technology and pharmaceutical tools to cull and pacify the populace. Slavery in the future will seem more like Huxley’s Brave New World than like Orwell’s famed and nightmare “boot stomping on a human face forever.”

In 1949, after reading 1984, Huxley sent a letter to George Orwell in which he outlined the analytical contrasts between his own work and Orwell’s. Despite its importance, the letter has a low profile.

I think world leaders will realize that “the hunger for power may be just as totally satiated by persuading people into liking their slavery as it can by whipping and kicking them into submission” within the next generation, he added. I have faith that this understanding will emerge.

This person had incredible foresight to write this back when the internet didn’t even exist and the pharmaceutical industry was in its infancy.

The future’s dictators won’t be clad in flamboyant military garb; rather, they’ll look like a mild-mannered HR administrator whose voice rises slightly at the end of each sentence, as if she were offering her commands as inquiries.

In place of intimidating citizens with goosesteps and other choreographed demonstrations of force, technocracy footsoldiers will instead coo and sing lullabies to their charges, bringing them under control. Without firing a single shot or detonating a single bomb, they will infiltrate and distort the human mentality with drugs and implants that cannot be removed.

Over millions of years of evolution, humans have learned to respond with equal power when confronted with physical threats like armed gangs rolling through their neighborhood. Humans have had millions of years to develop this reaction. We pay significantly less attention to subtle threats that rely on subtle psychological manipulation and unseen control systems rather than brute force. Consequently, we are open to a wide range of subtle dangers.

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