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The Amish are a Remnant of Society as it was in “The Good Old Days”

Because Amish are a remnant of society as it was in “the good old days.” As in the heart of a world that is more dependent on technology, they maintain a straightforward lifestyle that is almost entirely devoid of any of it.

They came to the United States approximately 300 years ago with the intention of beginning new lives away from religious persecution in their homeland. They initially established their homes in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. There are currently close to 200,000 individuals that identify as citizens of Amish communities who adhere to the “Old Order.” the majority of these settlements can be found in the areas surrounding Lagrange, Indiana, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and even Holmes County, Ohio. The modest clothing and horse-drawn buggies that are distinctive of Amish tradition continue to be seen in the United States. Amish tradition is also famous for its wonderfully handcrafted furnishings and quilts.

It is common knowledge that Amish people dress in a plain manner.   Men wear black pants and coats, and the women wear lengthy, dark gowns with long sleeves and white aprons and capes. 

Related: The federal government of the United States is threatening an Amish farm because the farmers there refuse to relinquish their traditional farming methods

Their belief systems differentiate them from the typical citizens of the United States in a number of important respects. For one reason, they adhere to an extremely literal interpretation of the Bible, which necessitates the adoption of particular clothing rules and behaviour standards even as they shun the vast majority of modern technology. Even photographs are prohibited since, according to the 10 Commandments, they are deemed “graven images.” This means that they cannot be displayed. They think that their trust in God is best shown by words and acts, and as a result, they make it a point to follow the examples provided in the Scripture and embrace God’s will in all aspects of life. As a result of this, they refuse to serve in the military and, in the event that they are personally assaulted, they choose to show the other cheek.

The Amish community places a high value on the stability of both their communities and their families. The example that Christ sets for us in the Bible on humility and submission is one that is highly respected. Similarly, both pride and ambition are deemed inappropriate.

Because of this, there is no such thing as individualism, consumerism, or competitiveness. For instance, in the Amish community, it is forbidden to buy a car because the Amish think that this would bring about boastful pride, produce division among the committee, and differentiate those who are considered “rich” from those who are considered “poor.”

On the other hand, Amish people will take trips in vehicles if it is necessary for them to go a significant distance or move as quickly as possible for reasons related to business or an emergency. Under the same rationale, there are no telephones or electrical outlets in the homes. Nevertheless, dairy buildings are powered by renewable energy sources such as solar and wind. In addition, there are frequently a number of smaller buildings that are equipped with community telephones for making outgoing calls. Even though independence and self-reliance are frowned upon, the town has its own power supply and is not dependent on outside electricity sources.

The Amish continue to be differentiated from mainstream culture by their commitment to upholding certain ideals. It is anticipated of members of the community will marry and start families. Their courtship custom is one of a kind due to the fact they are allowed to only marry Amish people, even though the Amish people they marry could be from a separate settlement than they themselves are. Both men and women typically raise a large number of children and adhere to the established gender stereotypes for those roles. Divorce is prohibited. They communicate in the same language as well. Pennsylvania Dutch is a German dialect, yet English is the primary language taught in the classrooms. Pennsylvania Dutch is being spoken at home.

In addition to their distinctive mode of attire, men of the Amish community also sport a distinctive form of facial hair. When a man gets married, society anticipates that he will start growing a beard. However, in addition to the beard, there is not a moustache present. This is due to the fact that they disapprove of anything vain or military-related. The military leaders who were accountable for such persecution of the Amish were known in their native nations for sporting highly fashionable moustaches.

They do not have a formal or organised form of government, but they are led by preachers, dioceses, and sometimes deacons who have been nominated by the people. Bible scriptures provide the foundation for the practice of shunning, which is a discipline method that has been the subject of much discussion. When an individual from the community who has been baptised commits a “wrongful act” against the group, it is invoked.

During the time that the perpetrator is being shunned, no other people in the community, not even the offender’s wife, are permitted to have any kind of interaction with them. On the other hand, if the individual who is responsible for the transgression comes forward and asks for forgiveness, they will receive unreserved pardon, and they will be accepted back into society.

Because Amish get the right to carry on their way of living without intervention by the government in regards to Social Security payments and benefits, child labour restrictions, and mandatory schooling, according to a precedent-setting legal ruling that was handed down in 1972. Inside the Amish community, kids attend one-room classrooms for their education from kindergarten through the 8th grade.

They are instructed in multi-grade groups by young women who are solely responsible for their care. On standardised tests, Amish youngsters have consistently performed stronger than their rural peer group who do not practise the Amish faith. The members of such an Amish community hold the notion that the next stage of development, which occurs after the completion of all formal education, is best accomplished in families through the acquisition of a more robust religious faith and more practical knowledge.

When young people finish their formal education, the girls acquire skills related to housework and children raising among their parents as well as other women, while the males learn a skill associated with agriculture and woodworking besides their dads or other men.

At the age of 16, youngsters are given the chance to experience independence and are also urged to mingle among some of the “English” and non-Amish populations in order to decide if they wish to stay a part of the Amish community. The majority of young people opt to return to the Amish way of life, are baptised, and make a lifelong commitment to their community and the brotherhood. However, there are some young folks who do choose to continue living with the “English.”

The Amish are free from paying Social Security taxes; nevertheless, they are still required to pay other sorts of taxes, such as property plus sales tax. They do not have insurance, but in times of need, they rely on one another and the community as a whole for support. They take care of their old relatives at home rather than enrolling them in a programme run by the government for the elderly.

Every Amish community maintains its own way of life, separate from that of the others. They agree on the fundamental tenets of the ideology, but they disagree on problems of degree. Some of the distinctions may include the degree to which clothing is simplified and whether or not this is acceptable to make concessions when utilising contemporary technology and to what extent. In the event that members have issues with one another, they may occasionally seek another community that more closely reflects their personal understanding of the faith.

When the Amish first arrived in the United States via Switzerland as well as Germany, their primary occupation was farming. Even now, agriculture remains their primary source of income. They keep themselves isolated from the rest of the world, but they are shrewd businesspeople who have developed friendships and professional connections with the “English” residents of the communities in the surrounding areas. The preservation of the Amish way of life is made possible by the unselfish assistance of many people who identify as “English.”

The Amish cultivate a wide variety of crops, including barley, beans, tobacco, grain, or corn, in addition to veggies. They cultivate these crops not only for their own consumption but also for sale on the market. In addition to this, they are very skilled dairy farmers and craftsmen.

They have also just recently started developing cottage industries, such as the sale of jams, furniture, quilts, and other handcrafted goods. Customers in “English” have given these products very positive reviews due to the exceptionally excellent quality they possess.

The Amish are known for their superior craftsmanship, which is a silent but enduring demonstration of their faith. This can be attributed to the fact that their primary goal is to bring glory to God in all that they do.

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