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Pfizer Worker Melissa Strickle Connected COVID-19 Injection to Abortion

whistle blower Melissa Strickler

Now FIRED, Pfizer worker Melissa Strickler told Real News Cast team that “the Lord” helped her find the e-mail’s of Pfizer directors talking about how to conceal from the general public the connection that their COVID-19 injection has to abortion.

Project Veritas, an investigatory journalism channel with a past history of uncovering Pfizer’s shadiness, initially broke the story involving Strickler in a conversation she had with them on Oct 6th.

FDA Never Actually Approved the Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine

Not Long after Project Veritas published the consultation in which Strickler revealed the email messages, she was given a phone call from Pfizer informing her she was FIRED from her job as a top-quality auditor. (Video Below)

Pfizer whistleblower Melissa Strickler, a heartfelt Christian, relied on “the Lord” by assisting or helping her to find the frightening electronic mails made between company directors about HOW they were planning to conceal or HIDE the COVID-19 vaccination’s connection to miscarriage.

” I came across the relevant information by accident,” she claimed. “Still, I would rather say a miracle.”

Pope Francis said Vaccinations are an act of LOVE

“When I discovered the details [that the injection was created using aborted fetal cells] I felt the Lord really wanted me to reveal it to my family members, in order to convince at least some of them NEVER to get [the shot],” she included.

Shortly after Stickler encountered the e-mails by execs discussing how they didn’t want the general public to learn that the injection was done at the expenditure of an aborted young child, she asked herself what her future moves were going to be, Well, here is that decision below.

Her is that Video:

X-Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Exec Emails
Pfizer ‘Fetal Cell’ Whistleblower Melissa Strickler has been TERMINATED

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