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Official government reports, according to PfizerGate, show that the Shot is responsible for tens of thousands of deaths per week

In order to safeguard the health service, you were told to stay in your home. However, while you were doing that, hospitals basically took a vacation, which is supported by government statistics. You were informed that receiving the shot was the solution to everybody’s prayers. However, now that you’ve taken it, the medical system is now in danger of disintegrating.

Ambulance waiting lists are at a record-breaking high. Emergency services involving patients experiencing heart attacks are at a record-setting high. The death toll has reached an all-time high, with tens of thousands of needless deaths taking place each week all across the world.

Without question, official government evidence indicates that the vaccine is to blame.

Since at least August 2021, the daily call volume has been significantly higher than the norm.

In addition, the Health and Human Services (NHS) revealed in reaction to a request for access to information that ambulance call-outs for urgent care needed for a cardiac problem nearly doubled in total in 2021 and are expected to continue to grow in 2022.

This indicates that receiving the Covid vaccine dramatically raises your risk of developing myocarditis by 13,200%.

Myocarditis is a disorder that results in cardiac muscle swelling, impairs the heart’s capacity to increase the blood flow, and can result in erratic or fast heartbeats.

Myocarditis ultimately makes the heart weaker, which reduces blood flow to the remainder of the body. A stroke or a heart stroke may then result from clots that develop in the heart. Sudden cardiac death is one of the condition’s additional consequences.

Myocarditis is exceedingly dangerous since the heart muscle cannot regenerate; there is no mild form of the condition. There is no turning back the clock once the damage has been done.

One in every 246 English residents who received the Covid-19 vaccine in the past 60 days had died, according to data released by the UK government.

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