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Dr. Meryl Nass claims that the Shortage of Monkeypox Vaccine is a Hoax

So when Johns Hopkins “experts” in biodefense advise against using the ACAM-2000 monkeypox vaccine, you understand it is a truly lousy shot. As Doctor Meryl Nass noted recently,

He said that they still don’t give you the complete picture. The United States health secretary officially designated monkeypox a health emergency, opening the door for the authorization of emergency use of more vaccination regimens to combat the virus, according to STAT Media on August 9th.

According to STAT News, however, they “may be wiser to concentrate the available vaccination on persons at greatest risk – those who already have relations with heterosexual men” if there is indeed a danger.

Shortly afterward, on August 11th, STAT revealed that the most important tactic that would be employed to prevent the spread of monkeypox in the US is the vaccination of high-risk persons.

They said that the “Demand for monkeypox vaccine far exceeds the supply … the shortfall has increased external pressure on the Biden administration to turn to another vaccine, ACAM2000, to close the gap”. FDA needs to fully review ACAM2000 before allowing its widespread use as a monkeypox vaccine, STAT, 11 August 2022.

“It now looks the fraud is aimed not just to change a licensed vaccine (Jynneos) into the diluted EUA brand, but to also shove out part of an ACAM-2000 vaccine,” noted Dr. Nass. “In my viewpoint, the ACAM-2000 vaccine is suitable for just one thing: burning and license suspension.”

Tom Inglesby with Caitlin Rivers, members of Johns Hopkins Institute for Health wrote the next STAT News story, which had been released on August 11th.

Caitlin Rivers is a senior scholar and epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Centre for Health Security and served as the founding associate director of the Centre for Forecasting and Outbreak Analytics at the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. Tom Inglesby is an infectious disease physician, director of the Johns Hopkins Institute, and a former senior adviser to the Biden administration’s White House Covid-19 Response Team. FDA needs to fully review ACAM2000 before allowing its widespread use as a monkeypox vaccine (Footnote), STAT, 11 August 2022.

The alleged shortage is untrue. And it looks like the scam is meant to distribute several of the ACAM-2000 vaccines, which in my view are only suitable for incineration and license revocation, in addition to turning a licensed vaccine, Jynneos, into a diluted EUA [emergency use authorization] product.

Here is the JHU article: FDA needs to fully review ACAM2000 before allowing its widespread use as a monkeypox vaccine, by Rivers and Inglesby, STAT, 11 August 2022.

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