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Is This Another Attempt to Scare The Taxpayer?

Yet Another Attempt to Scare the Taxpayer to do what they want

Many feel that this is Another Attempt to Scare the Taxpayer, as Increasing numbers of individuals on social networks are beginning to believe that the water problem in Democratically-controlled, Mississippi, is an elaborate hoax designed to extract millions of dollars in federal tax monies, they say.

At a media briefing the other week, Mayor Chokwe Lumumba estimated that fixing the “indefinite” problem with the municipal water supply, which has resulted in frequent boil orders, could cost close to $1 billion.

However, the situation abruptly ended and the equipment was restored after Joe Biden proclaimed an emergency in the municipality, and the Army Corps, as well as the Agency for Environmental Protection, rushed in.

The ‘problem’ was resolved after the team of Engineers arrived on the scene. The National File noted that individuals on social media have begun to wonder how Mary D. Carter, who served as the Deputy Commissioner of Water Management for 8 years, was unable to address the ‘issue’ herself.”

Meanwhile, the mainstream media”s very smart people, who are disproportionately white liberal women that continually feel a need to virtue signal, blamed “racism.”

As The Daily Caller points out, Lumumba “has not been able to even solve…the city’s fundamental infrastructural issues and the city’s flowing water is now unfit to drink,” despite his 2017 campaign promise to make Jackson “the most progressive city on the planet.”

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