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Iran Sent a Warning to President Joe Biden

According to Nasser Kanaani, a spokesperson for Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, efforts by the United States to create discontent and interfere in Iran’s internal affairs would be unsuccessful. His speech comes after Vice President Joe Biden of the United States voiced support for the anti-government demonstrations taking place throughout the Islamic Republic.

According to the statements made by the Foreign Office, any efforts made from outside the nation to exert influence here would be fruitless.

A lady by the name of Mahsa Amini, who was 22 years old and had been held by Iran’s morality police in downtown Tehran for having an “inappropriate” headscarf, passed away while in detention a month ago, sparking a wave of demonstrations and fights with the authorities. Her relatives alleged that she was subjected to cruel and unusual punishment.

On Saturday, Kanaani leveled the accusation that Biden “supports the rioting.”

“I repeatedly tell him that Iran is just so strong and unwavering that it will not give in to his callous sanctions and idle threats,” Kanaani said on Saturday, as cited by Press TV. “Given the fact that he neither gets to enjoy trusted consultants nor even a great memory, I always try to remind him that Iran is solid and unwavering and that it would not consider giving in to his harsh sanctions and idle threats.”

According to what the ambassador had to say, the Islamic republic “would be unaffected by the interventions or [statements] of a legislator weary of the unsuccessful campaign against Iran.”

“The independence of Iran will be defended by us together,” he said further.

Friday, when speaking to journalists in Portland, Oregon, Vice President Joe Biden referred to the Iranian regime as “repressive” and expressed amazement at “the boldness of individuals and women walking the street.”

Biden was quoted as saying, “I mean, it’s truly been great.”

In response to what it referred to as the “violent repression of nonviolent protest,” the United States has already slapped two rounds of penalties against Iranian morality as well as many people, including two cabinet ministers.

As reported by the media outlet HRANA, which covers topics pertaining to human rights, at least a few hundred people have been murdered throughout the country of Iran as a result of the demonstrations.

On Saturday, during the turmoil in Tehran, a fire started within the Evin Prison, resulting in the deaths of 4 detainees, according to the authorities, who blamed the occurrence on “clashes” amongst convicts as the cause of the disaster.

In the meanwhile, the official report that was provided by the coroner last week said that Amini must have lapsed into a comatose and died as a result of underlying problems rather than as a result of physical abuse. On Sunday, an investigation conducted by the Iranian parliament arrived at the same result. According to the report, the large number of people gathered at the front of the office of the moral police made it impossible for the ambulance to reach Amini in a timely manner.

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