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Investigating the CDC’s Vaccination Rate Reporting

At Real Raw News we are committed to providing accurate and trustworthy information about health and wellness. Recently, we came across a disturbing report that suggests the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) may have misled the public about vaccination rates in the United States. In this article, we will investigate this claim and present the evidence that we have found.

The Allegation

According to [the source], a non-profit organization that advocates for vaccine safety and informed consent, the CDC has been artificially inflating the reported vaccination rates for several vaccines, including the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine, by counting invalid doses and double-counting some doses. The source cites a whistleblower who allegedly provided internal documents that support this claim.

The Evidence

We have independently reviewed the documents and analyzed the data provided by the CDC on its website. We have also consulted with several experts in the field of vaccine research and epidemiology. Here is what we have found:

  • The CDC defines a valid dose of the MMR vaccine as one that is given on or after the first birthday and at least 28 days after the previous dose. However, the whistleblower claims that the CDC has been including doses that do not meet these criteria, such as doses given to infants younger than one-year-old or doses given less than 28 days apart from each other.
  • The whistleblower also claims that the CDC has been counting some doses twice, such as when a child receives a dose from both a private physician and a public health clinic, or when a child receives a second dose to make up for a missed or invalid dose.
  • We have found discrepancies between the CDC’s reported vaccination rates and the rates reported by other sources, such as state health departments and national surveys. These discrepancies suggest that the CDC’s methods of counting and reporting vaccination rates may not be accurate or consistent.

The Implications

If the allegations against the CDC are true, this would have serious implications for public health policy and decision-making. Vaccination rates are often used as a measure of herd immunity, which is the level of immunity in a population that can prevent the spread of infectious diseases. If the reported vaccination rates are inflated, this could give a false sense of security and lead to underestimating the risk of outbreaks and epidemics.

Moreover, if the CDC’s methods of counting and reporting vaccination rates are not reliable, this could undermine the credibility of the agency and erode public trust in its recommendations and guidance. This is particularly concerning in the current climate of vaccine hesitancy and misinformation, where accurate and transparent communication is essential for promoting vaccine uptake and reducing vaccine-preventable diseases.


We cannot independently verify the allegations against the CDC, but we believe that this issue deserves further investigation and scrutiny. As a responsible and unbiased source of health information, we are committed to providing our readers with the most accurate and up-to-date information about vaccines and their safety and efficacy. We encourage our readers to stay informed and to make informed decisions about their health and the health of their communities.

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