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BC Man Developed Health Issues after Second Pfizer Shot

A 46-year-old Canadian man has already developed numerous health issues merely hours following his 2nd Pfizer COVID-19 injection.

Dave Menchinton, a disc-jockey and cruise liner employee, got his injection on September 23rd and instantly encounter numerous signs and symptoms consisting of stomach pains and feeling numb in the left part of his body. This person was hurried to the medical center a day later. Below is his shocking story.


The Secret Document of Pfizer

Pfizer Worker Melissa Strickle Connected COVID-19 Injection to Abortion


” The Bilderberg group is literally an association of bureaucratic forerunners and financial organizations that meets covertly each and every spring season in order to bring worldwide policy. There are 110 regulars – Rockefellers, Rothschilds, financiers, heads of worldwide companies, and even top state and federal government representatives out of Europe and the United States, and Canada. Every year, a handful of brand new individuals are invited, and, if termed valuable, these people come back to future conferences. If not, they are disposed of. Conclusions reached in these kinds of executive sessions impact every single American and much of the planet.”– Chris Wick

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