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If Transportation Staffer Pete Buttigieg were a Republican

If Transportation Staffer Pete Buttigieg were a Republican or worked for the Trump admin, he would be asked daily why, after 2 years in office, the nation is continuing to encounter shortages of key consumer goods. These questions would be directed at him because the Trump administration would be responsible for the current situation.

As the number of reported cases of influenza and children’s pain relievers continues to skyrocket across the country, he will be questioned about what he’s doing to alleviate the ongoing shortage of baby formula, the scarcity of construction supplies, and the most recent shortage of children’s flu medicine or pain relievers.

The fact that he isn’t is, of course, more of an indictment of our shoddy left-wing media, which took issue with each and every breath Trump took but for some reason can’t seem to find anything wrong with what the Biden administration is doing.

However, since the government is either unable to or unwilling to address the supply difficulties, shops have been forced to take action by themselves. For example, Kroger’s supermarket chain revealed this week that, during the height of influenza season, the business is restricting purchases of children’s flu and pain medications because they can’t acquire enough of a supply…

Reuters cited a statement made by a corporate spokeswoman who said that consumers should restrict their purchases to 2 pediatric pain pills and 4 influenza and cold goods. The statement was made in reference to a supermarket in the United States.

Kroger has joined other pharmacy chains such as CVS Medical Corp or Walgreens Boots Coalition Inc in limiting purchases of children’s pain medications. This comes at a time when the number of flu-related hospitalizations in the United States has increased to its highest level in a dozen years for this moment of the year.

At this time, CVS has a restriction of two items on all children’s pain-relief medications at its drugstore stores and online. On the other hand, Walgreens had previously placed a limit of 6 over-the-counter child fever stoppers per online transaction.

In the meanwhile, despite claims made by the Biden administration in May that they had resolved the issue, the scarcity of infant formula is already entering its second year. Based on the Christian Science Monitor, at the time, “Biden triggered the Defense Production Legislation to speed output of baby formula as well as authorized air travel to import provision from abroad, as he confronts mounting pressure over a domestic shortfall caused by the safety-related shutdown of the country’s largest formula manufacturing plant.” This was done as “Biden faces piling political pressure over a household shortage induced by the safety-related closing of the country’s largest formula manufacturing plant.”

In an attempt to remove bottlenecks in manufacturing, the Defense Manufacturing Act directive mandates that suppliers of pharmaceutical manufacturers must prioritize the fulfillment of orders placed by those manufacturers above requests placed by other customers. According to the report, Mr. Biden has also given authorization for the National Defense Department to employ the use of commercial aircraft in order to transport formula supplies that are compliant with government standards from abroad to the United States. This initiative is being referred to as “Operation Fly Formula” by the White House.

The question then is why this problem continues to exist.

The baby formula scarcity has been affecting children and their parents in the United States for nearly a year, and the problem may not be resolved this year, according to a report that was broadcast on Fox News on December 9th. The report also stated that “a report released by Reckitt Benckiser, this same maker of Enfamil, appears to indicate shortages have always been anticipated to remain till at least the early summer of 2023.”

Amber Bergeron, a mother of 4 from Louisiana who was interviewed by the news organization, revealed that it has been incredibly challenging to feed their eight-month-old twins since she still has problems getting formula for them.

In addition to this, she does not believe that the circumstance will improve in the near future. “I’m beyond struggling,” she said to the source in a recent conversation, noting that she has struggled their whole life to ensure that they are able to eat. “I’m beyond suffering,” she said. “I’m beyond fighting.”

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