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Americans are suffering financially and in need of a warm place to shelter

Americans are suffering financially and in need of shelter

In the hours that lead up to Christmas, Americans are suffering financially and in need of a warm place to shelter themselves with nowhere to turn because the so-called president of the United States, Joe Biden, is filling up homeless shelters with illegal immigrants.

There is only a certain amount of room at the inn, and Joe Biden has made the decision that Americans are the ones to be turned away in the cold while he lays out another red carpet for intruders from the southern border who consider themselves entitled to this country’s limited resources for the poor. In other words, Biden has made the decision that Americans will be the ones to be left out in the cold.

As per John Martin, the deputy director at the Opportunity Hub for the Homeless in El Paso, the organization’s 5 shelters have already been swamped with migrants since the month of August. These migrants are being released as a result of the “easy migration” policies implemented by Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas of the (DHS).

According to a story published in The Wall Street Journal, “the numbers are so large that the many migrants cannot find spots on outgoing buses and flights.”

Martin claims that before Biden, the five shelters that make up the Opportunity Center concentrated their attention exclusively on the homeless people living in the city itself. At this time, their primary function is to provide safe haven for illegal immigrants who, under previous administrations, would have been deported back to the countries from which they originated.

“Our optimum capacity is 85,” Martin said, adding that there are around 129 individuals being sheltered right now, and practically all of those are migrants. “Our current capacity is roughly 129,” Martin added.

About 60% of the 200 men who are now staying in a different men’s shelter in the area are immigrants. That area was only designed to provide comfortable seating for a maximum of roughly 100 to 120 people.

When the leaders of a nation put the needs of foreigners ahead of those of their own people, you can be sure that the nation is dysfunctional.

Even a small number of El Paso’s migrants are unable to locate a place to stay in any of the city’s homeless shelters due to the fact that these facilities are now at capacity & overflowing with those other migrants. Because of this, a significant number of individuals have been forced to sleep outdoors, despite the cold weather.

This is particularly troubling information for them given that a powerful arctic winter storm by the name of Elliot is going to make its way down from the Arctic. Temperatures below zero are expected over the whole of the Mid-West and South, including the state of Texas, which is already dealing with an unmanageable immigration crisis.

To be quite clear, everybody needs a bed to sleep in. In respect of their humanity, local homeless people are not in any way “better” than illegal immigrants. What we are trying to convey is that the citizens of the United States should take precedence over illegal immigrants who have no right to be in this country in the first place, as stated in our previous statement.

The reality that illegal immigrants are replacing legitimate immigrants, to put it another way, demonstrates that the Biden administration cares about the welfare of American citizens. It would rather pander to individuals from other areas and give those people first attention, which is an unacceptable practice.

There have been reports of difficulties of a similar kind coming from Kansas City, Missouri, Denver, and Chicago, among other locations. Shelters for the homeless are now overrun with illegal immigrants, while local people living on the streets who require assistance have nowhere to turn & no one who cares for them or their ability to survive.

It is important to keep in mind that the majority of the shelters that are at capacity with migrants are being funded by the taxpayers. This implies that Americans are footing the bill to remove other Americans from destitute shelters so that illegal immigrants may take their place; how long can a nation continue to operate in this manner before it falls apart?

One reader commented, “Jesus said it is bad to treat foreigners nicer than one’s own people,” coupled with the words spoken by Jesus Himself from Mark 7:27, which read: “Jesus said it is wrong to treat strangers better than one’s own countrymen.”

“Give your children first as it is immoral to take bread from kids and give it to dogs,” said the man. “Feed your children first.”

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