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How will AI, Elon Musk, and Digital-Focused Campaigns Shape the Unpredictable 2024 Election?

The race for the presidency in 2024 looks like it will be a wild and unpredictable journey right from the start. We are currently witnessing a glimpse of the online world that will dominate the future election as a result of the influence of artificial intelligence (AI), the engagement of Elon Musk, and the rise of campaigns that are centered on digital platforms.

The Ascent of Artificial Intelligence Deep Fakes and Influencers
An amazing AI deep fake video featuring Ron DeSantis, who was digitally superimposed on “The Office” character Michael Scott, recently went viral on the internet. People’s attention was drawn to this film as a result of the convincing portrayal of DeSantis that it offered. The video was initially published by C3PMeme, a pro-Trump video account that has a sizable following on Twitter.

Even more incredible is the lightning-fast growth of the technical capabilities of anonymous online political influencers. When we look at the blatantly altered faces of Democratic lawmakers in a video from November and compare them to the eerie deep fake of DeSantis, the progression is impossible to deny. This presents a striking contrast to the unchanging memes that were widely circulated during Donald Trump’s first run for the presidency.

In addition, the anti-gatekeeping attitude promoted by Elon Musk results in an environment in which there are fewer limitations placed on content that could be misleading. Videos with similar content to the DeSantis deep fake are likely to proliferate, and the absence of monitoring may result in misunderstanding and manipulation.

Verification in Social Media in an Era of Changing Landscapes
Elon Musk’s influence stretches well beyond the realms of artificial intelligence and deep fakes. Additionally, he was responsible for altering how the verification procedure is carried out on Twitter. Historically, a blue checkmark represented a verified account that belonged to a well-known person. Nevertheless, because Musk is in charge, a blue checkmark can now be purchased by anyone for the price of a monthly subscription. As a result of this change, all of C3PMeme’s artificial intelligence deep fakes, as well as those of other paying users, will now be accompanied by something that looks like a seal of approval from Twitter.

Strategies Employed by Presidential Candidates in the Digital Age
Ron DeSantis is an example of a candidate who has fully embraced the digital age. The fact that he chose to make the announcement of his candidacy for president on Twitter Spaces a week ago is illustrative of his very online attitude. This decision inspired a rush of replies from other campaigns, all of whom were anxious to capitalize on DeSantis’s glitchy rollout and produce moments of their own that were meme-worthy.

Even Vice President Joe Biden, who in the past has avoided commenting on potential rivals during the primary election of the other party, found himself unable to resist the temptation to weigh in on the social media debate. Biden took advantage of the fact that DeSantis’ statement about Twitter Spaces was having trouble going live because of technical difficulties and tweeted, “This link works,” which led his followers to a page where they could donate to his reelection campaign. The appeal of engaging in conversations on social media exceeded the advantages of preserving an air of presidential dignity. Even Musk, who has a tense relationship with Democrats, complimented Biden’s tweet by calling it a “solid shitpost.”

The tweet from Biden is notable not only for the content of the message but also for how quickly it was sent. It was posted barely 16 minutes after the delayed kickoff, providing live commentary on an event that was being held by a competing campaign. When Donald Trump live-tweeted during a Democratic primary event in 2015, it was originally deemed stunning because it was a sort of engagement that took place in real-time.

The Trump campaign also soon replied with sophistication, using videos that were prepared specifically for them to portray the collaboration between DeSantis and Musk as a disastrous outcome. Three videos were posted to President Trump’s Instagram account, which has 23 million followers, within the space of just a few hours. These videos featured a bizarre deep-fake parody that featured a dialogue between Elon Musk, Ron DeSantis, George Soros, Adolf Hitler, and the devil. They also featured a juxtaposition of DeSantis’ glitching Twitter announcement with footage of Trump supporters cheering for the president.

These films are just the beginning of what is sure to be a heated struggle on social media in the run-up to the election in 2024. Prepare yourself for an experience that will blow your mind over the next 18 months as the landscape of the internet continues to shift, paving the way for an unprecedented digital campaign season.

In conclusion, the presidential election campaign of 2024 is observing the junction of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, the impact of Elon Musk, and the growing popularity of digital techniques. The political environment is being reshaped as a result of several factors, including the growth of AI deep fakes, the shifting landscape of social media verification, and the rapid-fire engagement between politicians on numerous platforms. It is essential for voters to handle the onslaught of digital content with caution and critical thinking as we move forward because the function of internet platforms and their influence on public opinion will become increasingly significant.

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