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Here are the reasons why Electric Automobiles are a CON Job

why electric automobiles are a CON job

There is a troubling parallel between the advertising which was employed to sell masks & “vaccines” during covid pandemic and the campaign to switch society to electric cars (EVs) solely. Only electric vehicles (EVs) will power the future, they say.

It has been suggested for us that to protect the earth from “climate change” or “global warming,” we must do away with ALL gas-powered automobiles and, more recently, gas stoves.

Is there any basis for this assertion?

The obvious response to this question is “NO.”

Consider, for example, the claimed height ranges. Whatever you may have heard about the range an electric vehicle (EV) can go on a single charge, during the winter you should cut that in half to get a more realistic assessment. Then there is the load capacity and the towing capability, both of which have values that are exaggerated.

Instead of being motivated by pragmatism or “logical economic calculation,” the whole push for electric vehicles is motivated by ideology. This is one of the reasons why 6 Wyoming state senators & 2 representatives have proposed a measure that would make it illegal to sell electric vehicles anywhere in the state of Wyoming by the year 2035.

According to State legislature Joint Resolution No. SJ004, “Wyoming’s vast stretches of highway, as well as the absence of electric car charging network, makes it impractical for the state to use electric vehicles on a widespread basis.” The resolution goes on to say that “the battery packs used in electric cars contain critical minerals for whom the supply is limited and also at risk of disruption.”

Should those on the political left who are committed to environmental causes ever be successful in their efforts to prohibit the sale of gas-powered automobiles, particularly if the ban is to include commercial and industrial vehicles, there be significant reliability and safety implications that must be considered. What happens if an electric vehicle (EV) tractor-trailer breaks down on the side of the highway in the midst of a winter storm in the dead of nowhere? What will happen to the driver and the weight he is carrying?

“…in the instance of electric trucks, which, when deployed to accomplish the tasks that are expected of REAL trucks, such as tow a trailer, are expected to do… Instead, customers were only informed that the vehicle was capable of towing a trailer that weighed up to 10,000 pounds, such as in the case of Ford’s F-150 Lightning electric truck. Which is a valid point. However, not for very long. Or more accurately, quite far,” Eric Peters Autos reports with reference to this fallacy.

“Omitted was the essential element that if they tried to really tow a trailer, they would be pausing for a long recharge around every 80 miles,” which means that this statement is misleading. They were also informed that they could recharge their devices at home, which is another fact that is accurate. “As far as it can possibly go.”

“However, nobody informed them how incredibly long that process takes. They were, however, given the impression that they may resume their journey in around thirty to forty-five minutes. However, you can only accomplish this by going to locations that have so-called “fast chargers,” which are not located in homes.

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