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Gaza Conflict: The Unseen Economic Threat to the West

The United States and Israel’s push for an escalation of the conflict in Gaza might have serious effects for Western economies, according to insights from Russian military expert Andrei Martyanov and Brighteon creator Mike Adams. In this short article, we delve into the financial asymmetry, military expenditures, and geopolitical perspectives that underscore the prospective destruction.

Economic Inefficiencies and Armed Force Expenses
Mike Adams highlights an important concern within the U.S. military budget– despite being the biggest globally, a staggering 90 percent of the funds are wasted due to kickbacks, ineffectiveness, and incompetence. This inadequacy poses a substantial difficulty as the West considers the financial implications of sustained military operations in the Middle East.

” There is a financial asymmetry in the cost of producing systems,” exposes Adams. Comparing the production cost of standard explosive rounds, he notes that the U.S. spends approximately $6,000 per round, while Russia can produce the exact same round at simply 1/10 of that expense. This economic disparity extends to Iran, which can manufacture military weapons at a fraction of the United States’ expense.

Andrei Martyanov supports this viewpoint by pointing out real economics in Russia’s miliary operations. He points out that Russia has actually already deployed 6 modern tactical missiles and submarines, each costing around $1 billion. In contrast, the U.S. Navy’s Columbia class strategic missile submarine comes with a large price of $9 billion. This plain contrast highlights Russia’s capability to keep a formidable marine tactical misile deterrent while optimizing costs.

Janet Yellen’s Economic Optimism and Financial Realities
Contrary to concerns raised by Adams and Martyanov, Secretary of Treasury Janet Yellen radiates self-confidence in the U.S. economy’s ability to support military endeavors. Yellen asserts that the Biden administration can afford to offer military assistance to both Israel and Ukraine. She touts the country’s financial success, citing lowered inflation and a robust labor market with 3.8 percent joblessness.

Adams challenges Yellen’s optimism, especially regarding her declaration that the U.S. can “print cash for a two-front war.” He contends that the nation is economically strained and not able to afford even a single-front war, let alone supporting numerous fronts. This uncertainty develops from a perceived lack of understanding of the real economy, according to Adams.

Geopolitical Viewpoints on Media Impact
Adams even more criticizes Yellen, stating that she doesn’t comprehend the genuine economy. This belief is echoed by Martyanov, who defines the United States as the biggest exporter of inflation. Adams humorously recommends that puting Yellen in charge of the Pentagon and Lloyd Austin in charge of the Treasury would yield the same result, as neither truly understands their roles.

Moving focus to the media’s role, Adams recognizes a concerning trend of the mainstream media fostering ethnic hatred, particularly against Russians and Palestinians. He explains it as a form of mental terrorism against the American people. Martyanov, born in the USSR, highlights the perpetuation of “Russophobia” amongst the Western elite, attributing it to neoconservative and Zionist inclinations within the corporate media.

In conclusion, the post explores the prospective economic fallout of escalating the dispute in Gaza, analyzing military expenses, financial ineffectiveness, and geopolitical point of views. The insights provided by Martyanov and Adams shed light on the complex dynamics that might shape the future course of these geopolitical occasions.

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