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Will HIV + SARS + H5N1 Be the Next Mega Pandemic?

Many experts believe that the next pandemic has already been fully planned out and is simply waiting to be unleashed on humanity. This is being done in conjunction with the globalist elite as well as the governments of various countries around the world.

Vaccine giants GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Moderna, and CSL Seqirus have recently told Reuters that they have already begun or are about to begin testing the new shots. These new shots are intended to combat a hypothetical “mutated” version of H5N1 that transmits to humans. Reuters reported that these vaccine giants have already begun or are about to begin testing the new shots.

Another pharmaceutical company that competes with others in the industry, Sanofi, claims it already has H5N1 vaccines in store and that they “stand ready,” which means they are prepared to be administered at a moment’s notice whenever the government is ready to proclaim the next Pandemic 2.0.

It has been claimed by Moderna that its H5N1 injections will be manufactured utilizing the same messenger RNA (mRNA) technology that is present in its covid injections; this will result in even more spike proteins being produced within the bodies of individuals.

The company’s executive director of infectious diseases, Raffael Nachbagauer, stated that the organization is prepared to begin testing its experimental bird flu injections on people in the first half of 2023 and that it is able to do so “quite fast” in the event that an epidemic is declared.

According to the WHO, human cases of avian flu are extremely uncommon; under these circumstances, how could there be another pandemic?

According to so-called “experts,” the bird flu has already begun to swiftly spread across Europe and has just lately made its way to North and South America, where it is responsible for the deaths of approximately 200 million birds and other creatures. According to reports, the initial epidemic took place in October 2022 on a mink farm in the northwest region of Spain.

As a direct result of their exposure to the virus, about 52 million birds have perished or had to be euthanized throughout 46 states in the United States. It is not known whether the same false PCR tests that were utilized during the covid outbreak were also used to swab these birds in order to test for the illness.

They are now alleging that tens of millions of hens have to be euthanized due to the possibility of bird flu, and this is the explanation that they are providing for the lack of eggs. Eggs are currently extremely expensive and are becoming increasingly difficult to locate in supermarkets and other retail outlets.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the risk of human infection by avian flu is extremely low to essentially non-existent. Only four cases of human infection with bird flu were reported worldwide in 2016, with two of those cases occurring in Spain, one case occurring in China, and one case occurring in the United States.

The only way that people will truly be at risk from the bird flu is if it is tampered with in the same manner that it is suspected that the covid virus was changed in a laboratory using gain-of-function technology. Otherwise, it will not become a public health concern.

One reader said, echoing the concerns expressed by Dr. Cottrell, “The next one will be aerosol HIV with SARS and bird flu (H5N1).” Where is our hero when we need him?

Someone else wrote, in reference to Big Pharma’s attempts to once again rake in record profits from yet another manufactured scare, that “Their profits must be waning.”

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