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Father James Jackson Pleads Guilty in Federal Child Pornography Case

Read about the recent guilty plea of Father James Jackson in a federal child pornography case. Explore the details of the charges, the plea bargain, and the response from the Fraternity of St. Peter.

In a shocking development, Father James Jackson, a former pastor of St. Mary’s Church in Providence, Rhode Island, and a member of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), recently pleaded guilty in a federal child pornography case. This blog article delves into the details of the case, shedding light on the charges, the plea bargain, and the response from the Fraternity of St. Peter.

The Guilty Plea and Charges

Father James Jackson, aged 68, pleaded guilty to the charge of receipt of child pornography in federal court. The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Rhode Island stated that Father Jackson admitted to downloading files of child sexual abuse using a peer-to-peer file-sharing network. The charges against him arose when an IP address assigned to the rectory at St. Mary’s Church was identified as sharing files of child sexual abuse material.

Disturbing Evidence Uncovered

During a court-authorized search of a computer and a digital device located in Father Jackson’s bedroom at the church rectory, law enforcement discovered distressing evidence. The devices contained images and videos of child sexual abuse, including some involving prepubescent females, acts of bestiality, and sadomasochism. A subsequent forensic audit revealed over 12,000 images and 1,300 videos of child pornography.

Additional Charges and Disputed Ownership

Father Jackson faced additional charges related to child pornography in Kansas, where he was staying with his sister. The Kansas ICAC (Internet Crimes Against Children) identified a computer sharing child pornography via a peer-to-peer network traced to Father Jackson’s residence. However, his attorney filed a pre-trial motion to dismiss these charges, contesting the basis of the charges and the ownership of the seized hard drive.

The Legal Battle and Prosecution’s Argument

Jackson’s attorney argued that the charges were based solely on file names since the police could not access the contents of the deleted files. They also challenged the ownership of the hard drive, intending to contest it during the trial. On the other hand, the Rhode Island District Attorney opposed the dismissal, claiming that a forensic analysis of the hard drive’s thumb cache could still reveal computer-generated child pornography images.

Guilty Plea and Sentencing

Father Jackson’s trial in Rhode Island was scheduled to begin on June 20. However, on June 8, he changed his plea to guilty on the charge of receipt of child pornography. In exchange for the guilty plea, the prosecution agreed to seek the mandatory minimum sentence of five years in prison and dismissed the additional charge of possession of child pornography. The sentencing is set for September 11, to be decided by a federal judge.

Mandatory Minimum Sentence and Maximum Penalty

With the guilty plea, Father Jackson faces a mandatory minimum sentence of five years in prison. The maximum penalty for either receipt or possession of child pornography is 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000. Prosecutors intend to seek the mandatory minimum, according to Jim Rosenberg, a spokesperson for the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

Response from the Fraternity of St. Peter

The Fraternity of St. Peter released a statement acknowledging Father Jackson’s guilty plea and expressing their commitment to cooperate with civil and ecclesiastical authorities. They emphasized that Father Jackson has not had the faculties to function publicly as a priest since his arrest in October 2021. The Fraternity was unaware of any suspicious behavior prior to his arrest and condemned such crimes as execrable.

Prayers for the Victims and the Fight Against Pornography

In the wake of this scandal, Bishop Thomas Tobin of Providence, Rhode Island, offered a statement expressing concern for the victims and urging prayers for them. He emphasized the gravity of the charges and the need to take them seriously. The Fraternity of St. Peter also called on Catholics to pray for the victims of pornography and work towards eradicating the industry.


The guilty plea of Father James Jackson in the federal child pornography case has sent shockwaves through the community. The charges against him, coupled with the distressing evidence found during the investigation, highlight the severity of the crimes. As the legal proceedings unfold, it is crucial to remember the victims and support efforts to combat child pornography. Let us unite in prayer for those affected and join hands in the fight against this abhorrent industry.

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