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The Rise of Non-Organic Entities and the Era of Emotionless Algorithms

Explore the fascinating concept of non-organic entities and emotionless algorithms that are predicted to replace world leaders and politicians by 2030. Discover how artificial intelligence (AI) revolutionizes various aspects of society, including the rewriting of religious texts, intelligent design, and the control of human behavior through technology.

In a groundbreaking declaration, the World Economic Forum (WEF) has foreseen a future where “non-organic entities” and “emotionless algorithms” will supplant world leaders and politicians by the year 2030. This transformative vision has been shared by Yuval Noah Harari, the right-hand man of Klaus Schwab, who believes that governments will be replaced by entities devoid of organic nature. Harari emphasizes the immense potential of artificial intelligence (AI) as a biological revolution, marking a significant departure from the organic life that has existed for billions of years.

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The Emergence of Non-Organic Entities

Non-organic entities, as envisioned by Harari, represent a monumental shift in the evolution of life on Earth. These entities, lacking the characteristics of breathing and emotions, hold vast potential to reshape society as we know it. Harari’s interview sheds light on the immense scale of this transformation, emphasizing that the impact of AI surpasses that of any historical revolution. By blurring the boundaries between organic and inorganic lifeforms, we are entering uncharted territory.

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A New Global Religion and the AI Redefinition

Harari suggests that the rise of non-organic entities will not only alter political structures but also bring forth a new global religion. The WEF, under Harari’s guidance, is already leveraging AI to rewrite religious texts, such as the Bible, by removing references to God and Jesus. This “intelligent design” is not in line with the traditional concept depicted in religious scriptures but rather represents a new paradigm of AI designing itself and possibly creating subsequent generations of advanced AI. It is an unprecedented process with far-reaching implications.

AI’s Impact on Human Control and Surveillance

Harari highlights the practicality of AI’s integration into everyday life, exemplified by the use of computer algorithms to process bank loans. In this new evolutionary phase, robots and computers are projected to replace humans, challenging traditional notions of evolution. The decision-making power of these algorithms, even to the extent that their creators may not fully comprehend, exemplifies the transformative nature of this technological revolution. Harari also draws attention to how smartphones, originally designed as communication devices, have morphed into surveillance tools, enabling constant monitoring without direct human involvement.

Human Manipulation and Surveillance

Over the past two decades, Harari reveals that leading minds have dedicated themselves to the study of human manipulation through screens and smartphones. The advent of AI and advanced computing has facilitated the monitoring and control of individuals on an unprecedented scale. Harari acknowledges his own vulnerability against such manipulations, underlining the power wielded by those with access to advanced technological tools. The evolution from physical surveillance by government agents, such as the KGB, to constant digital monitoring, exemplifies the shift towards a technologically controlled society.

Natural LGBT Lifestyles and AI’s Role

In a thought-provoking perspective, Harari argues that natural LGBT lifestyles are inherent to human nature. By invoking the concept of impossibility, Harari suggests that if homosexuality were unnatural, it would not exist. Acts contrary to nature, such as exceeding the speed of light, defy human rules due to their fundamental impossibility. By extension, the existence of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities is seen as natural variations within the human experience.


The WEF’s prediction of non-organic entities and emotionless algorithms replacing world leaders and politicians by 2030, as highlighted by Harari, introduces a new era of unprecedented change. AI’s transformative power encompasses religious redefinition, intelligent design, control of human behavior, and surveillance mechanisms. As society navigates this uncharted territory, it is crucial to consider the implications of this AI revolution, both in terms of its benefits and potential ethical challenges. The future lies in the symbiotic relationship between humanity and advanced technology, wherein our decisions will shape the course of this unfolding biological revolution.

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One thought on “The Rise of Non-Organic Entities and the Era of Emotionless Algorithms

  1. The WEF’s prediction of non-organic entities and emotionless algorithms replacing world leaders and politicians by 2030, as highlighted by Harari, introduces a new era of unprecedented change.

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