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The Report

We are a wide and diversified community of Canadian doctors coming from all over Canada that are sending this critical announcement to the Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons of our numerous Provinces and Territories and also to the general public at large, whom we provide services to.

On April 30th, 2021, Ontario’s medical professional licensing body, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO), released a declaration prohibiting doctors from disputing or discussing any or all of the official actions enforced in reaction to COVID-19.

The CPSO at that point went on to intimidate medical doctors with penalties and even corrective action.

We consider this latest announcement of the CPSO to be unethical, anti-science, and profoundly troubling.

As doctors, our main responsibility of health care is not to the CPSO or some other power, but to our patients.

The second we became doctors, we vowed to put our clients 1st and that our moral and expert responsibility is always 1st toward our patients. The CPSO declaration ordered us to break our pledge to our clients in the following ways:

1. Denial of the Scientific Technique on its own: The CPSO is ordering medical doctors to shelve the scientific approach and to not discuss the procedures and conclusions of scientific research.

We, doctors, recognize and continue to strongly believe that all throughout history, opposing perspectives, intense discussion, and openness to fresh concepts have been the basis of medical development. Any significant advancement in scientific research has been done by professionals questioning “formal” narratives and the quest for truth.

2. Infraction of our Promise to make use of Evidence-Based Medical treatment for our clients: By ordering us never to discuss and never to question, the CPSO is like asking us to break our promise to our clients that we look the very best evidence-based scientific approaches and promote strongly on their behalf.

The CPSO orders doctors not to talk about or even interact with the general public regarding “lockdown”. Solitary confinement is the subject of lively discussion by world-renown and largely highly regarded specialists and there are extensively divergent perspectives regarding this topic. The explicitly anti-lockdown Great Barrington Declaration (PDF) was composed by professionals coming from Harvard, Stanford, as well as Oxford Universities and in excess of 40,000 doctors from all over the globe have endorsed this specific declaration. A number of worldwide specialists consisting of Martin Kuldorf (Harvard), David Katz (Yale), Jay Bhattacharya (Stanford), and Sunetra Gupta (Oxford) continue to firmly resist lockdowns.

The CPSO is ordering medical professionals to share just pro-lockdown perspectives, otherwise face inquiry and discipline. This specific dictatorial, anti-science CPSO regulation is regarded by countless Canadian medical doctors & researchers as unsupported by science and as breaking the 1st duty of care to our clients.

3. Infraction of Duty of Informed Permission: The CPSO is likewise ordering doctors to break the sacred duty of informed consent– which is actually the process whereby the patient/public is totally updated of the dangers, advantages, and also any type of alternatives to the therapy or maybe treatment, prior to permission is provided.

The Nuremberg Code, drawn in the aftermath of the savageries committed throughout the Nazi prisoner-of-war camp– in which heinous medicinal practices were carried out on prisoners without having permission– expressly prohibits the imposition of any sort of intervention without having informed permission.

When it comes to the lockdown interference, for instance, medical professionals have a fiduciary responsibility to explain to the general public that solitary confinement imposes costs on the general public, including in greatly enhanced clinical depression and even suicide rates, put off investigation and procedure of many forms of cancer (featuring postponed surgical treatment, radiation treatment ), increasing waiting lineups ( significantly raised client suffering) as well as boost rates of child home abuse.

We, doctors, strongly believe that with the CPSO declaration of 30 April 2021, a watershed moment in the attack on freedom of speech and medical inquiry has been reached.

By ordering medical professionals to be quiet and comply with only 1 narrative, or else face discipline and censure, the CPSO is asking all of us to break our principles, our ethical values, the Nuremberg Code, as well as the scientific search of truth.

We will not ever obey and are going to always put our clients 1st.

The CPSO must withdraw and retract its announcement of 30 April 2021.

We likewise give notice to various other Canadian and worldwide licensing jurisdictions for medical doctors and allied professions that the suppressing of scientific inquiry and any kind of order to breach our principles and expert promise to our clients, on its own might constitute a crime against humanity.

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