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Bill Gates said that We Need a NEW Way of Doing the Vaccinations

Bill Gates on Vaccinations

Bill Gates made an unbelievable statement regarding his “remedy” to the so-called Pandemic. He said that we need a new way of doing the vaccinations.

These words alone should trigger red flags.

” We didn’t have vaccinations that block out transmission,” claimed Gates, contradicting earlier press conferences where he said that the jabs considerably block out transmission.

” We have vaccinations that help people with health, however, they just slightly decrease the transmission,” this individual added in. What? Was this a slip-up?

Gates is correct, the injections aren’t blocking transmission, it’s evident that the mRNA shots are doing very little if anything. Furthermore, the impact these types of jabs have in stopping a positive COVID test seems to fade after 3 to 6 months. Look, this jab does NOT cure CV19 it only reduces the symptoms, so does Asprin… Sorry, had to share that one.

Gates wasn’t finished, yet, he was on a roll…

This guy made an alarming claim to top things off, he said We need to have a brand-new way of doing the vaccinations.

Just like that, Bill Gates seems to wipe his hands of his participation or the part he played in the global mRNA experimentation.

It’s an astonishing tone coming from a guy whose foundation (Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation) built up hundreds of millions of bucks (because of pre-IPO accessibility to BioNTech, the manufacturer of the “Pfizer jab”) and with his intense recommendation or push for them. In addition, Gates brought in billions to his private stockpile in the course of the pandemic. Do you think this is still about your health?

Gates at that point said that he supported the Police State models regarding COVID “actions” which are being executed in New Zealand and even Australia.

“At the very least Australia including New Zealand demonstrated that proficient management and control might help keep the fatality numbers lower,” this guy actually said this during the press conference.

NOT once did he say that both nations have been under lockdown for considerable amounts of this COVID Lunacy, with civilians encountering huge constraints of their civil liberties for nearly 2 years. And in addition to this, both of these nations, in spite of their horrendous solitary confinements & mRNA implementations, are encountering enormous outbreaks on an unmatched level.

This guy was hailed by Politico as the “world’s most powerful doctor” DOCTOR? WTF, If he is a doctor I’m a Brain surgeon. Gates and his cronies are doubling down on the nazi insanity, trying to inflict on the entire world.

At the press conference, Gates called for nazi remedies to poor weather conditions, which he describes as climate change. The portion concerning the COVID jab happens at around min 27. Thanks to the Rebel News Twitter post below.

Bill Gates speaks 

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