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8 Booster Shots For Covid

Endless Booster Shots For Covid Are Coming

This is from the European Union. As you can see you will be taking 8 booster shots for covid.

So those of you who had the jab, Prepare for your boosters for all the new variants they are going to invent.

You can still say NO.

Just pay attention to the evidence here –…/publi…/eu-vaccines-strategy_en…

EU signed an agreement with Pfizer for a total of 2.4b doses, Moderna – 160mln, AZ – 300m, J&J – 200m. So nearly 3b in total.EU has a population of 400m (adults) – there you go, all set for 8 doses…

Visit the COVID-19 Information Center for vaccine resources.Get Vaccine Info

May be an image of text that says 'Descarregarel Descarregaeljustificant justificant vacunal Certificat COVID Digita UE El Certificat COVID Digital UE et permet acreditar el teu estat en relació amb la COVID-19 a tota la Unió Europea. Sollicita'l aquí 05/08/2021 Dosi Dosi 2 Dosi 3 Dosi 4 Dosi Dosi6 .si7 Dosi8 Administrada pel centre Carnet.devacunor'

On 19 February 2021, the President of the European Commission announced an additional €500 million for the COVAX Facility. The new package consists of a €300 million EU grant and €200 million in guarantees by the European Fund for Sustainable Development plus (EFSD+) that will back a loan by the European Investment Bank. 

With this new contribution, the EU is further stepping up investment in support of the global recovery with a total of €1 billion. Team Europe (EU and the Member States) are a lead contributor to the COVAX Facility with close to €3 billion pledged to date.

ACT brings together governments, scientists, businesses, civil society, philanthropists, and global health organizations such as

In its Communication of 19 January 2021, the Commission announced that it will set up an EU vaccine sharing mechanism to structure the provision of vaccines shared by the Member States with partner countries through a Team Europe approach, paying special attention to the Western Balkans, the Eastern and Southern neighborhood, and Africa.

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