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Would mRNA Vaccines for Cattle Impact the Food Safety and Quality of the Meat They Produce?

The public, the government, and the meat industry have all expressed their disagreement with the practice of administering vaccinations made of messenger RNA (mRNA) to animals raised for their flesh. The question that has to be answered is whether or whether giving mRNA vaccinations to animals will have an effect on the quality and safety of the meat that humans consume.

In this piece, we will take a look at what the scientific community has to say about mRNA vaccinations and the consequences such vaccines have on meat animals.

“Delivering Treatments” for Diseases of the Gastrointestinal Tract mRNA Vaccines

An article that was published in MIT News in January 2022 revealed that RNA vaccines have the potential to deliver treatments for gastrointestinal diseases straight to the stomach as well as the intestines. This lends credence to the idea that mRNA-based medications can travel throughout the body, even into muscle tissue.

Both the government and the media give the impression that meat that has been completely vaccinated is just as safe as natural meat. On the other hand, readers are strongly advised to read the paper published by MIT and compare it with what the establishment has to say regarding the administration of mRNA “vaccines” in meat animals.

Are mRNA Vaccines Long-Lasting or Do They Eventually Break Down?

The potential danger that might be posed by mRNA vaccinations is now widely known to the general population. Many people who chose not to get the mRNA vaccinations during the epidemic are now afraid that they may unwittingly eat meat that has been “vaccinated.”

No firm is presently selling mRNA animal vaccinations on the open market, as stated by Glenn Elzinga of Alderspring Ranch and “Organic Beef Matters.” The application procedure for grants is still being completed, and firms that produce pharmaceuticals for animals have just recently begun to get funds to investigate the new technology for all types of cattle.

Nevertheless, it is yet uncertain whether or not mRNA will transfer into the meat that people eat when mRNA vaccinations become commercially accessible for US animals in the future. The administration insists that this is not the case, but it has a history of telling lies.

Between the last administration of the medicine and the slaughter of the animal, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) may demand a waiting time of at least 30 days. The purpose of this delay time is to guarantee that the mRNA is no longer stable within the body of the animal once it has passed. The majority of studies on mRNA point to the fact that the genetic material denatures after a few days of receiving the immunization.

Ingesting mRNA Material

Even if the material containing mRNA somehow survives undamaged after being ingested, the majority of scientists believe that mRNA is rather fragile and would not be able to endure the acidic environment of the stomach.

Elzinga is opposed to the use of mRNA in animals and will not consume goods derived from animals that have been “vaccinated” with mRNA. Regrettably, not all farmers that rear animals for meat do so in a natural and organic manner. Because vaccinations for animals, including vaccines for humans, are advancing in the direction of mRNA, there is a possibility that commercial meat may get infected to some degree in the future. As a consequence of this, it is very necessary to procure clean meat and animal products that have been reared on pasture.

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