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The United Nations Push for Digital IDs: Navigating Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development

The United Nations (UN) is advocating for governments worldwide to implement mandatory “digital IDs” for their citizens to align with the UN’s “Agenda 2030.” The UN Development Agency (UNDP) has unveiled its governance framework for digital public infrastructure, pressuring all its 190+ member nations, including the United States, to adhere to this plan. This article will delve into the UN’s motives behind this push, its link to combating climate change, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Agenda 2030.

Understanding the UN’s Digital ID Agenda

Promoting Inclusivity and Human Rights

In an announcement on its website, the UNDP asserts that digital IDs are a response to “requests for institutional support.” The UN believes that making digital identification mandatory will create a more inclusive society and ensure that governments safeguard human rights. It’s crucial to note that the UN sees the adoption of digital IDs as a fundamental element of its globalist Agenda 2030.

The Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI)

The digital ID system is just one facet of the UN’s broader Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI). This DPI framework consists of nine key components: legal and regulatory frameworks, non-discrimination, access to information, legal accountability, capable institutions, user value, procurement and anti-corruption, and data protection.

Revolutionizing Civil Registration

The UN aims to revolutionize the process of civil registration, particularly at birth. Traditionally, this data was documented through non-digital methods, which the UN now deems insufficient. Instead, governments are urged to transition to digital registration systems, with all data stored centrally.

Robust Governance and Privacy

The UN insists that these digital systems are equipped with “robust” governance from the outset. This means implementing stringent standards, rules, and privacy protocols that steer public services toward complete digitization.

Centralizing Efforts for a Standard Model

UNDP’s ambition is to centralize the efforts of numerous national governments and provide them with a “standard model.” In this endeavor, the UN prioritizes individual rights, human rights, and inclusion.

The Bigger Picture: Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development

The UN is increasingly applying pressure on governments to align with its Agenda 2030, which encompasses a wide range of goals beyond digital IDs. One notable example is the UN’s advocacy for “Net Zero” goals, which have led to extreme measures being proposed in Western nations.

Meeting “Net Zero” Goals

To achieve “zero carbon emissions” before 2050, as dictated by the UN and the World Economic Forum (WEF), the public must drastically reduce their quality of life and embrace a collectivist vision. The UN’s report titled “Building Materials and the Climate: Constructing a New Future” outlines a stark future where traditionally built homes are deemed unacceptable.

Legislative Action and Taxpayer Funding

The UN’s buildings report calls for legislative action and suggests that taxpayer funds must be used to enforce its green agenda schemes. This highlights the significant influence the UN wields in shaping global policy.

Conclusion: The UN’s push for mandatory digital IDs is just one facet of its broader Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals. The organization emphasizes inclusivity, human rights, and robust governance as it steers governments toward a digitized future. However, this push is part of a larger trend where the UN’s globalist influence is increasingly evident, impacting diverse aspects of society, from digital identification to environmental policy.

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