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Switzerland will no longer recommend that the general population receive the COVID-19 vaccine

Switzerland is the most recent European nation to discontinue promoting the COVID-19 vaccination for the general public throughout the spring and summer months. This includes persons who are at a high risk of contracting the disease. Instead, the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) and the Federal Commission for Vaccination have come up with new guidelines that advise against being vaccinated at this time owing to the high levels of immunity that are already present in society. This immunity can be gained by vaccination or from having had natural exposure to COVID-19.

The Swiss Medical Authorities have mentioned the high level of immunity in society as the foundation for their new recommendations. This high level of immunity can be attributed to either vaccination or spontaneous immunity. According to the guidelines, getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is not suggested for the spring or summer of 2023. The vast majority of people in Switzerland have either been immunized against COVID-19 or have successfully battled and overcome the infection themselves. Their immune system has been compromised as a result of their exposure to the coronavirus jabs.

According to a story in The Epoch Times, Swiss seroprevalence data from the middle of 2022 suggests that more than 98% of the country’s population has developed antibodies against COVID-19. In addition, only around 70% of the population has gotten at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccination, and only 11.5% of the population has had a booster shot within the most recent six months. Officials in charge of Switzerland’s public health have claimed that evidence shows COVID-19 will spread less this year, with newer varieties that produce a disease that is less severe than that caused by earlier strains.

Consequences of Critical Significance for Those at High Risk

As a result of the revised suggestion, COVID-19 vaccinations can only be administered to patients on an individual basis and under certain circumstances, as reported by the Swiss news site Report 24. A COVID-19 vaccination is still an option for high-risk patients, such as those who are immunocompromised, pregnant women, and those aged 65 and older; however, this option is only available following an individual consultation with the patient’s physician.

When a vaccine is prescribed, it is suggested that it be given at a time that is at least six months removed from the most recent immunization or the most recent instance of known COVID-19 infection. Vaccination could be the best course of action in certain instances since it offers superior protection against acquiring severe COVID-19 for a number of months. It does not matter how many immunizations a person has already had because this rule applies to them all.

Nevertheless, the FOPH also stated that the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccinations against current variations is decreased and short-lived, especially in persons who are regarded to be at risk according to Report 24. This was one of the findings that the FOPH made. The emergence of new COVID-19 strains has not been matched by the adaption of mRNA vaccines at the same rapid rate.

A Change in Responsibility with Regards to Vaccines

The new suggestions might have significant repercussions with regard to a number of problems, including who should pay for vaccines and who is liable for damages caused by vaccines. The immunization program is no longer funded by the government because it is no longer recommended that people get the shots. Those who are not at high risk but nevertheless want to obtain the vaccination or the booster shot will have to pay for it themselves. Those who are considered to be at high risk and are encouraged to get vaccinated would have the cost of the immunization covered by their health insurance.

According to the revised recommendations, there is a change in the responsibility associated with vaccines. Only in instances in which the vaccination was approved by public health authorities and in accordance with the criteria that were introduced by the FOPH on November 29, 2022, can the Swiss government give compensation to persons who have been damaged by a vaccine. As a direct consequence of this, the onus of responsibility for liability is now placed on the medical professionals who give vaccinations. It is expected that as a result of this transition, their willingness to be vaccinated would decline dramatically.

Final Thoughts

The decision made by Switzerland to not suggest COVID-19 immunizations throughout the spring and summer seasons has ramifications for high-risk persons as well as liabilities associated with vaccines. The high degree of immunity that the country possesses, either as a result of natural immunity or vaccination, is what spurred the development of the new recommendations. The effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines against current variants is reduced and short-lived, particularly in individuals who are considered to be at risk; however, individuals who are considered to be at high risk can still receive the vaccine following an individual consultation with their physician.

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