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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Stormed out of Queens Park

Trudeau Stormed Out of Queens Park

Justin Trudeau stormed out of Queens Park during the question period, as the pressure was overwhelming, he took the coward way out, walked OUT waving his arms, he was drilled with questions from the opposition regarding his draconian measures imposed on Canadians.

These Canadian come from ALL labor jobs across Canada to voice their objection to the Vaccine passport mandate, and other measures such as mandatory Masking of children.

They are standing up right now, grabbing this moment in time, and history because they know there is something fundamentally wrong when a Prime Minister refuses to even listen to them…

Doug Ford’s Motivation for Conspiring with Justin Trudeau

Yes, Justin Trudeau stormed like a little kid out of parliament during the course of debates, when his constituents turned against him, and his tyrannical mandates. Below is My take on the walkout.

Trudeau Booed Walks Out Of Parliament #freedomconvoy2022 #endmandates

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