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Ottawa officer disciplined for allegedly linking COVID jab to newborn deaths

Officer Helen Grus of the Ottawa Law Enforcement (OPS) has been on unpaid leave since Feb. after it was claimed she attempted to contact the families of children about their immunization history.

She has been accused of misconduct for reportedly investigating the deaths of nine newborns from June 2020 until January 2022.

The management at OPS claims she violated protocol by investigating newborn fatalities where she had no authority to do so. According to one account, in January 2022, Grus asked the father of a newborn who had died abruptly if the mother had been up-to-date on her child’s vaccinations.

Since there were no COVID immunizations easily accessible in Canada until about mid-2021, the chronology of the investigation being investigated by law enforcement does pose some concerns. It appears unlikely that Grus’s involvement in the unexpected deaths of children just before the rollout of the COVID shots was driven by a desire to probe the mothers’ health.

Grus has experience as an investigator in the OPS sexual violence department. She is a constable by rank.

The investigation of baby fatalities that occur suddenly is a task assigned to that unit.

As per the OPS, she does have an excellent track record, and has been praised by the general public for her “support and caring” while performing her tasks.

Retired Ottawa Police Sargent Rob Stocki discussed Cons. Grus with LifeSiteNews and disputed the idea that she’d be looked into for her “push” to inquire into the child deaths.

With the New Blue Party of Canada, Stocki stood for provincial office this year. Her telephone was secretly recorded just after Canadian patriots took part in the pro-freedom Truckers Convoy, which passed through Ottawa in January and February.

He categorized police officers into two groups: those who respond to 911 calls and those who “self-initiate” investigations. In the police community, “digger” is one of the highest honors one may get. Diggers take matters into their own hands and are often heralded for making notable arrests and uncovering compelling cases, leading to a decrease in crime, by virtue of the authority and resources afforded to them by their position.

Stocki stated that “when it comes to an untimely or untimely death, there’s always some form of investigation,” although they’re not really necessary as “rigorous” depending on the case. She stated that when there is very little evidence of wrongdoing, a probe is likely to be “less stringent.”

The retired cop also stated that he has heard countless accounts from people whose relatives died unexpectedly upon receiving the vaccine while speaking around Canada. The coroner “confidently assured them it was probably the jab” that killed them in certain instances, but again the forensic experts would list “COVID as the manner of mortality” out of fear of becoming “fired from the coroner’s job.”

Stocki further stated that current and past police officers who do not feel comfortable getting the COVID vaccine are “always being wiretapped” as he was in Feb. According to him, many cops are opposed to the jab but have revealed to him that they received it under duress or out of fear of being punished.

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