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News Sources You Can Trust

The news sources you can trust are without a doubt, Rebel News, True North, and various other alternative news agencies, and a number of people within the mainstream, for example, Tucker Carlson, who has been doing an incredible job reporting on these amazing Canadian demonstrations.

Canadians can NOT travel freely inside their very own country. These people can no longer go back to their own country due to restrictions imposed by their OWN leader Justin Trudeau, who by the way, is STILL in HIDING. Yes HIDING, many are saying he is SCARED of this Trucker’s Convoy.

Get this, Preachers have been locked up for hosting worship services, church, and the unvaccinated could be sent off to prison for purchasing some items in retail stores. In the city of Gatineau, members of a family were actually jailed for enjoying New Year’s, IN THEIR OWN HOME.

Almost every big company throughout Canada pretends like this (Restriction, or mandates ) are completely normal, it’s typically been that way for the past 2 years.

Canadian press, which is mostly regulated and FUNDED by the federal government, promotes these kinds of policies.

In Nova Scotia, demonstrations in opposition to Justin Trudeau’s vaccination mandates are outlawed by legislation. You can’t make this S**T up. It’s TRUE.

TRUDEAU: There is a right to protest, there is a right to make your voices heard, loudly and clearly. There is not a right to shut down our democracy or our democratic processes, there is not a right to abuse, intimidate and harass your fellow citizens.

Therefore expressing your viewpoints is an assault on democracy? And incidentally, how dare people express views as if you were actually free individuals. That’s tyranny.

Democracy is whenever people obey, well, at least according to Dictator wannabe J. Trudeau. Get his,Trudeau made it public that he’s fallen victim to COVID, lol, how convenient as Truckers rolled into Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Simply put, get this JAB, or else.

Is the PM of Canada a leader of a Country or just a Vaccine PROMOTER?


Leaders of Nations have become Drug Pushers.!

♬ original sound – chriswicknews

One last thing, Who’s causing the food shortages? The Video below will answer that question in less than 2 Minutes.

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