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Nations were unprepared when Covid-19 hit

Leaders of nations were unprepared when Covid-19 hit. Attempts to stop the global spread of a virus ranged from downplaying the severity of the problem to instituting strict travel restrictions throughout the Americas, Europe, and Asia. Four non-governmental world health groups started planning for a fight to the death vs a virus that would not respect international borders while the world’s most powerful governments focused inward.

A seven-month study conducted by reporters from the U.S., Europe, and German daily WELT found that as these governments were overwhelmed, power gradually but inexorably shifted to a coalition of non-governmental groups. The four groups handled duties often performed by governments, but without the oversight of governments, thanks to their knowledge, connections at the top levels of Western countries, and established partnerships with pharmaceutical companies.

While governments were discussing the severity of the pandemic, these organizations were identifying prospective vaccine manufacturers and allocating funds to the research and development of diagnostics and preventative measures. Furthermore, they used their position inside the WHO to assist in the development of a global distribution strategy for the delivery of Covid devices to underdeveloped countries, a plan that would eventually fall short of its goals.

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