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Liberal Media Banned From Truckers Press Conference

Truckers Press Conference

Coordinators of the Freedom Convoy had their very first press conference on Sunday. Liberal networks were actually prohibited from the function, the spokespeople made things more transparent by saying that they have zero intention of leaving Ottawa at any time soon.

The leaders of the rebellion said, “we will not be talking to mainstream press that shoves fake news”.

Canada is actually leading the pack in vaccination acquisitions, just take a look at the chart below.

And now you understand the reason why these people like Trudaue are pushing back so very hard.

“We omitted certain news agencies from this press conference, including the Toronto Star and the CBC who are banned from this press conference. And the reason they were banned is twofold. First, this entire week the CBC, Toronto Star – Yahoo News were retweeting and reposting with a few others – kept putting stories out that our GoFundMe was frozen or suspended because of nefarious reasons. You know ‘right-wing truckers,’ ‘dangerous people,’ and it was hysterical me, and Tamara was talking,” Dichter said.

The Counter Signal originator Keean Bexte asked about how long they planned to remain in Ottawa. Co-organizer Benjamin Dichter responded, “We’re in this for the long haul; we don’t have any time limitation.” He likewise poked fun regarding the “days getting a lot longer” and it being “summertime soon,” symbolizing that the truck drivers are going to remain for as long as they need to.

Dichter mentioned these guys have plenty of cash coming from GoFundMe to supply useful resources to last well into 2023.

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2 thoughts on “Liberal Media Banned From Truckers Press Conference

  1. CANADIANS DO NOT TOLERATE INCOMPETENT, BUFFOONS AS LEADERS OF OUR COUNTRY! We need a leader that wants to serve the people of Canada rather than boost his status as a globalist. Justin Trudeau must step down. WE AS CANADIANS DESERVE…DEMAND BETTER!

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