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Justin Trudeau is egotistical, entitled, unscrupulous, immoral, and unethical

Canadian politics have never seen somebody as conceited, entitled, unscrupulous, immoral, or unethical as Justin Trudeau, son of Pierre Elliot and Margaret. Canada will soon resemble the Banana Republic under his rule. A guy of deep admiration for Fidel Castro, he manages to elevate the reputations of both Castro and Venezuela’s Madura.

What are his qualifications to serve as prime minister?

He was formerly a theatrical instructor, but he was a dismal failure. Please explain why I should believe that he is a dismal drama instructor. Given that Gerald Butts, a former top advisor to Justin Trudeau who resigned from the government in the wake of the Jody Wilson-Raybould controversy, and Katie Telford, another unethical person, have been feeding him words, he can hardly be blamed for forgetting what they say.

Here is a list of our Dear Leader’s unethical, immoral, and maybe criminal activities, in no particular sequence. I’m sorry if I forgot somebody.

To begin with, Trudeau has spent more time in his underground lair than Joe Biden has.

In doing so, he will be committing treason. He is a threat to Canada and Canadians. What is the status of the vaccination distribution, Mr. Prime Minister? What, there isn’t a vaccination for that? Are you trying to beg the brand new Vice President Biden?

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But you contacted China in an effort to collaborate on a vaccine. That China that you hold in such high esteem. The guy we voted into office to safeguard our liberties and our democracy is a fan of China’s authoritarian practices. The underlying dictatorship in China “is allowing them to literally turn their economy around on a dime and say, ‘We need to go green… we need to start investing in solar.'”

It all started in China, where the virus was first discovered. Do Canadians want a vaccination made in the same country that contaminated infant formula with melamine? In addition, you shipped our PPE to China in February 2020. So, what did you gain in return? The #TwoMichaels, Michael Kovrig, and Michael Spavor, were arrested for no reason other than to punish Canada for keeping Huawei’s Ms.Meng in custody at the insistence of the United States. Who has been locked up in solitary confinement with the lights on while she freely leaves her Vancouver home thanks to her ankle band? Finally, tell me what you did about it. Golly, you welcomed her family from CHINA to spend Christmas with you while you locked up Canadians. The Meng family then left to do some shopping. For your trouble, what did you receive in return? The two Michaels who were arrested for no reason other than to get revenge on Canada for keeping Ms. Meng and are now back in solitary confinement with the lights on constantly? I see what you did there. No.

You obviously didn’t learn from the past that trying to placate others just makes them resent you more.

Concerning Covid. When you went to see your relatives in Quebec in March, didn’t you warn your dear citizens to stay home and not celebrate Easter or Passover?

The people of our country have had their standard of living drastically reduced as a direct result of our Dear Leader’s disastrous Covid policies, and now he’s planning to slap even more taxes on them. I’m curious as to what your math and economics grades were like that led you to this decree.

Do you recall the time when our Dear Leader sided with Iran and China in their fight against Israel, a democratic nation, in order to get a place for himself on the United Nations Security Council?

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spent at least $2 million and attempted to make deals with the leaders of countries like Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, both of which have been accused by Amnesty International of “ruthlessly disemboweling” their human rights frameworks, as well as South Sudan, where the United Nations has reported that war crimes have been committed.

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