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In the midst of escalating tensions with China, Canadian legislators are planning a trip to Taiwan

Liberal MP Judy Sgro announced on Wednesday that a group of Canadian parliamentarians will travel to Taiwan in Oct to explore business prospects in the Asia-Pacific area, a move that might heighten tensions among the West and China.

Although U.S. House of Reps Nancy Pelosi trto aveled Taiwan earlier in the month against Beijing’s wishes, tensions between China and the West have increased. Because China considers Taiwan to be a part of its territory, China objects to visits to Taiwan by political leaders from other countries. Taiwan, which is ruled democratically, denies China’s claims.

A request for comment that was sent to the Chinese embassy in Canada was not met with a response.

A request for a statement that was emailed to the Taipei Cultural and Economic Office in Canada was not immediately met with a response.

According to Sgro, representatives of a legislative council on trade have already been contemplating a trip to the island for some months now.

“The goal is not to disrupt or cause problems for either Taiwan or China in any way. It has to do with commerce, it has to do with friendship, and it has to dthe o with potential for Canada in the entirety of the Asia Pacific area “Sgro, who is in charge of leading the trade panel, shared his thoughts with Real News Cast.

According to Sgro, Canadian parliamentarians used to travel to Taiwan twice a year in the past, but they stopped doing so because of the coronavirus outbreak.

“This one is a part of a larger effort in which we assure that the doors are wide open for Canadian companies wherever there is trade potential,” said Sgro. “We want to make absolutely sure that the doors remain open for Canadian companies anywhere there is trade potential.”

Randy Hoback, a member of Parliament for the Conservative Party and the deputy chair of the Trade Committee, stated that he would consult with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Canada before making a decision regarding a trip to Taiwan.

Hoback told Reuters, “I think we need to get back to normalcy in a lot of things, and one of those is in visits including establishing communication from country to country. “I believe we need to get back to the norm in a number of aspects,” Hoback said.

U.S. attorneys agreed to drop a bank fraud investigation involving Huawei Chief Operating Officer Meng Wanzhou, a prominent Chinese businesswoman, which brought an end to a protracted dispute between China and Canada that had been going on for quite some time. During the proceedings leading up to her extradition from Canada, she had been placed under house arrest there. continue reading

Following Meng’s release, China released two Canadians who were detained by Beijing on spying allegations. These charges had been brought against the Canadians by China.

The administration of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has stated that they accept the decision of Canadian legislators to travel to Taiwan.

According to a statement released by Canada’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “We support the independence of friendship groups and legislative associations that tour on a regular basis.”

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