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Hollywood To Strike Until Every Person Is Jabbed

A number of prominent liberals in Hollywood have threatened to stage a “major, all-round Hollywood strike” unless each and every one of us get immunized against the disease. The organization claims to be advocating on behalf of “humanity’s higher nature” while simultaneously describing Hollywood as “the basis of the total modern American civilization.”

The statement was made in a press release by a representative of the organization. “It’s about time people understand that we’re the ones with the authority and also that our viewers are in place to serve us, and not the other way around,” the spokesperson added.

“We are calling for a strike action that would involve every single member involved in the production of motion pictures in Hollywood, beginning with the cast members as well as celebrities themselves and including companies that are responsible for making props, movie memorabilia, and even souvenir shops,” our statement reads.

Rosie O’Donnell, Jennifer Aniston, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Gene Simmons are some of the dozens of performers, actors, musicians, or activists who’ve already attached their identities to an attempt calling for a month-long work stoppage to encourage people they are calling “vaccine dodgers” to succumb to the jab. The strike is being called for in an effort to encourage people they are calling “vaccine dodgers” to succumb to the jab.

“Millions of individuals all across the world, including in the United States, are experiencing extreme levels of anxiety, dread, and revulsion. Our suffering is warranted and appropriate. Our rage has to be channeled into widespread opposition right now – before anti-vaccination activists gain confidence and ignoring your responsibilities to mankind becomes the norm. However, other Movie stars who have joined the campaign are clamoring for a complete strike that’d encompass the entire film business in the desperate hope that such a step would entice ordinary Americans to reevaluate their choice to avoid Covid-19 immunizations, despite the plethora of proof that has emerged recently times proving this same shot I quite a public health hazard. This is despite the fact that there has been a recent emergence of evidence proving the shots are a public health risk. Despite this,

When a spokeswoman for the organization was asked to expand on the reason the group is picking Hollywood among all the companies across the country as their negotiating chip, they replied that Hollywood “is, simply put, the bedrock of the entire contemporary American culture.” It is, in a sense, the bedrock upon which the nation is built and the cement that holds everything in place. Also, keep in mind what takes place when the building’s skeleton is ripped out from under it. It must eventually come to an end, right?

“Well, that is precisely what is going to happen to America, until the unvaccinated recognize how great the threat of that truly is, and choose to willingly roll their sleeves up and then be pricked. “Well, that is exactly what is going to happen to America. And while we’re on the subject, just between the two of us, nobody wants Hollywood to quit doing what it does, but this is a necessary move.

Jennifer Aniston reportedly pushed the planned strike to an even greater extreme by threatening to cut off all communication with her friends unless they participate in the planned jab.

In September, Aniston disclosed to the magazine InStyle that she had cut ties with nameless people in her life because they refused to be vaccinated against preventable diseases.

But since, Aniston has been quite active on various social media platforms, where she has been defending her stance and threatening to take it even further.

Aniston said, “If you’ve got the variant, you still are able to give it to me,” in her response to the question.

She went on to explain, “I might feel a little under the weather, but I won’t end up in the hospital and I won’t die.” “BUT I CAN GIVE IT TO SOMEONE WHO DOESN’T HAVE THE VACCINE AND WHOSE HEALTH IS COMPROMISED (OR WHO HAS A PREVIOUSLY EXISTING CONDITION), AND AS A RESULT, I WOULD PUT THEIR LIVES IN DANGER.”

She continued by saying, “THAT is the reason I worry. Before uploading a picture of an embroidered saying that reads “What doesn’t kill you mutates & tries again,” we need to make it clear that our concerns extend beyond simply ourselves.

You are not permitted to get anywhere near Gene Simmons unless you have been vaccinated, as stated by Gene Simmons, “because you are not permitted to infect anybody “simply because you think you’ve got liberties that are absurd.”

Mariah Carey has also joined the movement, proclaiming that “we are all in this together” while demanding that those who choose not to get vaccinated give up their ability to make their own decisions about their own health care.

On the other hand, the world of superstars is not completely ruled by insanity and illusion. Matthew McConaughey recently gave an interview in which he discussed his views on the COVID vaccine. In the interview, he disclosed that, despite the fact that both he and his wife have received the vaccination, he does not believe that the vaccine is currently secure enough for use in children. In addition, he is unconvinced that we should deny individuals the freedom to make their own decisions.

Jessica Biel is another celebrity that stands apart from the rest of the Hollywood throng. The actor pushed against Californian Senate Bill 276 in June 2019, which would have given the state’s department of public health a final say in determining whether or not children may be medically excused from the mandatory vaccinations to attend school.

Rapper M.I.A. has just rediscovered her faith in Jesus and regained her sanity. And it is highly recommended that you follow her tweets.

M.I.A., whose successes include “Paper Planes” and a number one Billboard Hot 100 number one last year with Travis Scott, believes that every single celebrity who advocates for the use of vaccinations ought to be brought before a judge and penalized for their dishonesty.

“I don’t care if they hold their breath until they turn blue, no jab for me. By the way, Hollywood and all its actors can take a long walk on a short pier and die, oh wait they will,” said Frank Person.

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2 thoughts on “Hollywood To Strike Until Every Person Is Jabbed

  1. The quotes “It’s about time people understand that we’re the ones with the authority and also that our viewers are in place to serve us, and not the other way around,” and “Hollywood “is, simply put, the bedrock of the entire contemporary American culture.” It is, in a sense, the bedrock upon which the nation is built and the cement that holds everything in place.” are two of the most outrageous statements I have ever heard in my life. Those people are so beyond out of touch with everyday Americans. I hope they do strike.

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