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Gov’t Docs Expose Michelle Obama as a MAN

Sarah Ransome, who was a victim of child trafficking perpetrated by Jeffrey Epstein, has testified before a court in the United Kingdom that she “produced copies of videos showing high-ranking authorities raping children and doing other awful crimes.”

The identities of the high-profile elites who are engaged provide a clue as to why the mainstream media is so adamant about burying this issue.

Moreover, Ransome asserted that Obama and Michelle had sex with a victim.

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This video could get taken down in the near future. Watch It Now Before It’s Gone Forever!

It has never been more crucial to have a solid understanding of Michelle Obama’s background than it is right now, as the news is breaking that she and Barack Obama have been identified and shamed by one of Jeffrey Epstein’s child sex trafficking victims.

According to official documentation received from the Illinois State Board of Elections, former First Lady Michelle Obama was registered to vote in the state of Illinois as a male from the year 1994 until the year 2008. The official records also disclose that in 2008, the same year her husband was running for president, Obama formally changed her sex to female. This occurred at the same time.

Documentary filmmaker Joel Gilbert received the official records from the state of Illinois. Gilbert adds that he chose to “take a serious approach” to discover Michelle Obama’s history because the mainstream media refuses to tackle the subject.

Gilbert, however, did not anticipate discovering evidence that she had registered to vote as a male for a period of fourteen years.

Gilbert was taken aback when he was given official copies of Michelle Obama’s voter registration cards from the years 1994 and 2008. Gilbert states the following in his description of the process of deciphering Michelle Obama’s “shifting sexual identity”:

I was recently able to receive official records from the state of Illinois, and as a result, I am able to tell the following with absolute certainty: I discovered proof in official paperwork that Michelle Obama registered to vote as a male in the year 1994. I also have formal documentation that Michelle Obama transitioned from male to female in 2008, after 14 years of identifying as a guy and participating in elections as a man. This is not another example of the absurdity that may be found on social media; it is a truth. The Illinois State Board of Elections was the source from whom I acquired the materials just a week ago. The official voter registration card that Michelle Obama used in 1994 when she registered to vote under a male identifier is seen here. Under “Sex,” the letter M has been encircled.

“Later, on July 14, 2008, she transitioned from male to female, just as her husband was on the verge of being nominated by the Democrats for the president,”

Amazing timing, as I am certain you will acknowledge.

And before you accuse Joel Gilbert of working with others to unfairly defame and frame Michelle Obama, there is one fact that you should bear in mind before making your accusation. Gilbert is still under the impression that Michelle Obama was born a female, despite the fact that he found out in 1994 that she had registered to vote as a guy. He has a charitable assumption that she must have “ticked the wrong box” when she registered to vote and that is why she did so as a man. He explains:

When Michelle filled out her voter registration form in 1994, it’s possible that a clerical error of some kind occurred, which resulted in her being registered as a male voter. It’s possible that she didn’t realize it until 2008 when she went back and made the necessary changes.

Wow. Some people have a strong desire to put their faith in anything they are taught.

Ask yourself: have you ever selected the incorrect option? Are we to think that this Harvard Law School graduate is incapable of completing such a fundamental assignment?

Since the beginning of the Obama administration, people from all walks of life have looked at videos and images of Michelle Obama and said that she is a guy. This has been going on since the first days of the government.

The comedienne Joan Rivers gave fire to these speculations in 2014 when she responded to a question from a TMZ reporter who had asked her in good faith if the United States of America would ever elect a homosexual president.

Rivers stated, “We already have it with Obama, so let’s just calm down,” before going on to say, “You know Michelle is a tranny.” When pushed to explain her comment, she articulated slowly, “A transgender.” We are all aware of it.

The statements made by Rivers gave rise to social media postings of images implying that Michelle is actually a male, as well as close-up slow-motion recordings of her dancing on The Ellen DeGeneres Show that purported to reveal something hiding in her trousers.

Rivers passed away a little over one and a half months after undergoing what was only intended to be a routine operation on her neck. It goes without saying that her untimely and unexpected passing fueled the fires of the rumor mill, and even Barack Obama’s own flesh and blood joined in on the action.

On Twitter, Barack’s older brother Malik gave the impression that he is aware of the reality of the situation.

Before he suddenly became silent, removed the initial tweet, and refused to either acknowledge or reject the charges that were made regarding “HUGE MIKE.”

It’s remarkable that Barack Obama himself has made the mistake of calling her “Michael” on several occasions… over and over again.

Hmm… Have you ever come across a man who, inadvertently, refers to his wife by the name of another man?

Since day one, the Obamas’ long-term plan has relied heavily on deception as its central component. Since 2016, Barack and his fellow conspirators have been preparing Michelle to be a candidate for president of the United States. In a first step, the powerful couple agreed to write their separate autobiographies in exchange for a payment of $65 million as soon as they left the White House.

When the Democrats decided to give Michelle the coveted post of keynote speaker at the 2020 Democratic National Convention, this was just another sign that they had planned for her to play a role in their party’s agenda. As a point of comparison, Barack Obama delivered the keynote address at a conference in the year 2004, four years before he was selected as a contender in the year 2008.

At the time of our most recent check, Michelle had over 18 million followers on Facebook, 20 million followers on Twitter, and approximately 50 million followers on Instagram. Democrats pay attention whenever she speaks because her remarks almost always have a political tint.

But, because she has so much to conceal, she will be an extremely susceptible candidate. The documentary director Joe Gilbert, who was able to get her voter registration cards, claims that “Only the truth can stop her.”

Since the moment she first appeared on the stage of national politics, Michelle Obama has acted as though she were someone other than who she actually is. The truth is not her closest confidante in this situation.

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