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Europeans Demand Freedom First

We Demand Freedom First

Europeans Demand Freedom first and foremost as their state and federal governments brushed off the people’s demand for the right to choose.

Germany, which reported a new spike in cases, currently called the Omicron, is apparently preparing a law to force most people to work from home once again unless they have a “compelling professional reason” to be in the workplace and must prove they’ve gotten the jab or show a negative PCR test. PCR test? The one that has a false positive percentage of over 96 percent?


Jen Psaki says Domestic Traveling Vaccination Requirements are on the table because of the Omicron Variant

In Belgium, which bosted a 76% jab rate, government officials have reinforced its C…O…V…I…D restrictions, setting off yet another protest of at least 35,000 people in central Brussels. Folks were yelling “Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!” and singing “Bella Ciao”.

The rally remained peaceful until the very end when a handful of individuals clashed with police, who brought out teargas and water cannons. 42 protestors were apprehended; 2 were jailed.

Violence also appeared in the Netherlands in the middle of an anti-lockdown demonstration as the government put limits on the number of people allowed in their own homes. Yes, the politicians tried to control how many people you can have in YOUR OWN HOME… and even went after Pubs, restaurants, coffee shops, and supermarkets imposing an 8 p.m. closing, and “nonessential” stores had to closed-up at 6 p.m. They also canceled many activities.

People are defending liberty and freedom of choice all over Italy, where thousands gathered in Rome to object to the Green Pass. One particular demonstrator lugged a banner that said, “People like us never give up.”

Australia, where some of the absolute most mind-blowing overreaches happened in recent weeks is resisting as millions walked in organized protests against Mandatory Vaccination in 30 cities, consisting of Sydney as well as Melbourne. Here, protesters carried signs expressing “Never lockdown again,” and also “Less government, more freedom.”


Australian Concentration Camps For The UnVaccinated – Is It Even Possible?

CDC leader Rochelle Walensky is now on record saying “there’s a plan” to provide unvaccinated employees with “education and counseling,” which in turn sounds an awful lot like sticking folks in FEMA camps, just have a look at Australia today, they are eradicating the indigenous people and even vaccinating them by FORCE and YES, they are locking people up in camps.

Seems the more people comply, the worse it gets. “Get the shot and you won’t need to use a face mask,” they say, then “you have to use a face mask even though immunized, and, by the way, you’re never fully immunized unless you acquire or TAKE ALL the boosters, even when everyone’s vaccinated, you may or WILL still need to lock down if the cases increase, so, you can’t work, go anywhere, do anything unless you’re fully vaccinated — it has just gone from bad to worse.

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