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Erdogan clarifies Turkey’s most recent objective

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the President of Turkey, said on Saturday that his country is interested in joining (SCO). The statement was made after the group’s summit in Samarkand, which took place in Uzbekistan, came to a close. This year, Erdogan attended the event as a guest and took part in the festivities.

Erdogan informed reporters on his jet that “our ties with these countries would be pushed to an entirely different position” as a result of this measure. The president of Turkey gave a positive response when he was asked if Turkey is trying to officially join the organization. He responded by saying, “Of course, that’s the aim.”

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is presently the biggest regional bloc in the world. It was established in 2001 as an economic integration & trust-building collaboration. At the moment, China, Moscow, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, plus even Uzbekistan, and Pakistan are members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

In addition, there are 4 observer governments who are interested in becoming members of the group. These states are Afghanistan, then Mongolia, Belarusian, and Iran. Iran and Belarus are the only two of these countries that have actually begun the process of joining the organization.

Turkey is presently recognized as a special ‘partner’ of the organization, along with Armenian, Azerbaijani, Cambodian, Nepal, & Sri Lanka. This recognition came in January of this year. Back in September of 2021, the SCO got the ball rolling on the procedure that would award this status to Egypt, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia.

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