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Did Mail-In Ballot Fraud Alter the 2020 Election Outcome? New Study Suggests Trump Could Have Won

In a recent examination of the 2020 election, a study delving into the impact of fraudulent mail-in ballots suggests that the outcome could have been significantly different without the widespread expansion of voting by mail. Let’s dive into the findings and implications of this study.

Uncovering the Impact of Mail-In Ballot Fraud

The study, conducted by the Heartland Institute, scrutinized data from a survey carried out in December, revealing that approximately one in five mail-in voters admitted to engaging in potentially fraudulent actions during the presidential election. These actions included various irregularities such as voting in states where they no longer resided.

Upon further analysis, researchers concluded that mail-in ballot fraud had a substantial effect on the 2020 election, with President Trump likely being the beneficiary had mail-in voting not been expanded to such a degree.

The Magnitude of Fraudulent Voting

According to the study, over 43 percent of 2020 votes were cast by mail, marking the highest percentage in U.S. history. Upon reviewing the raw survey data, researchers estimated that approximately 28.2 percent of respondents who voted by mail had committed potentially illegal actions amounting to voter fraud. This suggests that more than a quarter of mail-in ballots cast in 2020 may have been fraudulent and should not have been counted.

Swing State Impact and Electoral Ramifications

The study also evaluated the potential impact of fraudulent mail-in ballots on the results in six crucial swing states that President Trump lost officially. By considering various scenarios with different assumed percentages of fraudulent ballots, researchers determined that President Trump would have won the election in all but three scenarios. Even under the most conservative estimates, the study indicates that mail-in ballot fraud significantly favored Joe Biden.

Addressing Criticism

Critics of the study, such as Jim Womack, president of the North Carolina Election Integrity Team, argue that the survey questions were flawed, making it challenging to draw precise conclusions about the extent of mail-in ballot fraud. However, proponents of the study stand by their findings, emphasizing that even after considering potential flaws in survey design, the evidence suggests a substantial impact of mail-in ballot fraud on the 2020 election outcome.

Looking Ahead to Election Security

Despite criticisms, the authors of the Heartland study advocate for measures to ensure the integrity of future elections. They call upon state legislatures to enact policies aimed at limiting mail-in voting and implementing safeguards against voter fraud, with the goal of ensuring fair and secure elections in the future.

In conclusion, while the debate over the extent of mail-in ballot fraud may continue, the study underscores the importance of addressing vulnerabilities in the electoral process to uphold the integrity of democracy.

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