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Controversy Erupts as Woke Maryland Private School Probes Young Boys on “Gender” & “Sexuality”.

In the ongoing battle against the encroachment of woke ideologies in America’s education system, concerned parents are taking a stand to challenge the infiltration of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) into the curriculum. The latest flashpoint involves St. Paul’s, an elite private school in Baltimore County, Maryland, where parents are expressing dismay over a questionnaire administered to 5th-grade boys, delving into sensitive topics of gender and sexuality.

Unusual Queries Raise Eyebrows.
Project Veritas reported this week that St. Paul’s, with an annual tuition exceeding $38,000, presented a questionnaire to 5th-grade boys, prompting them to identify as “CIsgender,” “Transgender,” “Gender Non-Conforming,” or “Agender.” The same survey also probed into the boys’ understanding of their “sexuality.” The nature of these inquiries has sparked questions about the appropriateness and necessity of the school gathering such information from young students.

Parental Concerns and Gag Orders.
The controversy deepened when it was revealed that the headmaster of the school threatened expulsion for two students whose parents voiced concerns about woke ideologies on social media. This raises questions about transparency, as a pre-existing contract between the school and parents imposes a “gag order” preventing them from speaking to the press. An internal memo from Patrick Walsh, MIddle School Dean of Students, declared that the school would not apologize for being woke.

Political Response and Outrage.
Del. Nino Mangione, R-Baltimore County, expressed deep concern over the situation, labeling it a crisis in Maryland’s education. He criticized the distribution of such a survey to 5th-grade students without parental knowledge or permission, condemning what he sees as an attempt to indoctrinate rather than educate. Mangione also highlighted the larger context of teacher’s unions training educators on gender identity policies.

Widespread Wokeness in Elite Private Schools.
This incident is not isolated, as other elite private schools like Gilman and Oldfields School in the vicinity have embraced woke ideologies in their curriculum and activities. The “Day of Dialogue” at Gilman focused on “LGBTQ connections in our curriculum,” while Oldfields School, despite financial struggles, delved into the woke rabbit hole on social media.

Calls for Action: Homeschooling and Non-Woke Schools.
In response to these controversies, parents are urged to adopt a firm stance similar to Bill Ackman’s move that ousted Claudine Gay as president of Harvard. If dissent proves ineffective, the suggestion is to consider withdrawing from such woke institutions or, possibly, band together to establish non-woke private schools. The rising discontent among parents raises the prospect of alternative education solutions, including the consideration of homeschooling as an option.

As the debate over the role of woke ideologies in education intensifies, parents are grappling with how best to navigate the landscape and ensure their children receive an education aligned with their values.

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