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Closer Look at who is Holding the Reins

who is Holding the Reins

Many of us have had no choice but to take a much closer look at who is holding the reins in a more unfavorable world as a result of the trying circumstances that have persisted during the past three years.

In the course of my own investigation, the name of the Rothschild family has come up on several occasions.

Bottom line is that I can ONLY show you, YOU decide on your own.

After taking a more in-depth look into their history and actions, I came to the conclusion that I needed to discuss what I had discovered with other people.

Criticizing this powerful and ultra-wealthy family is often frowned upon, and individuals who do so run the risk of being labeled “anti-semitic.” There is a certain taboo around the criticism of this family.

Nevertheless, as I explain, I am really not calling out the Rothschilds due to the fact that they are Jewish; rather, I am doing it in spite of the fact that they are Jewish.

If those had been one of Europe’s many chronological Roman Catholic and Protestant banking families, it would have been a billion times easier for me to write about them; nobody would have thought for a second that my critiques applied to all or even the majority of Catholics or Protestants. However, because they were not one of these families, it was much more difficult.

However, all those other lineages have not served the same prominent role in establishing everything that is worse in our present society, and as a result, it was based on the numerous faults of the Rothschilds which I was still obligated to focus my attention on.

It is conceivable to assert in a pretty definitive manner that the Rothschilds are perfectly aligned with the objective of the infamous Great Reset, without venturing so far as to place the responsibility for the existing techno-authoritarian objective of the alleged Great Reset exclusively on the Rothschilds.

Both the Asset Management tier of Rothschild & Co., which runs a “social impact investment fund,” and the St. James’s Place Charitable Foundation are run by the Rothschild family. Both of these organizations are involved in impact investing, which is a sneaky way for speculators to try to turn people’s lives into digital commodities. For example, the Rothschild family is involved in impact investing.

And the historical loan-based relations between Rothschilds as well as the papal states (the 1906 Jewish Dictionary defined the Rothschilds as “the custodians of the papal treasure”) were strengthened in 2020 with a partnership between both the Vatican and Lynn Forester de Rothschild’s Coalition for Encompassing Capitalism, which greatly shares the Davos worldview. Additionally, the historical loan-based interconnections between the Rothschilds and the Vatican were strengthened in 2020 with the alliance between the Vatican and the Coalition for Inclus

Since the 1950s, the Rothschild family has been refocusing their attention on the potential riches that might be harvested from the continent of Africa. More than a century ago, the diamonds and gold of southern Africa contributed a major boost to the fortune of the Rothschild family.

In 1957, Guy de Rothschild delivered a speech in which he announced that his family would be actively participating in the COFIMER initiative, which involved mining and energy holdings in Africa.

He continued, saying, “You will know that enormous natural resources in western as well as equatorial Africa, in Madagascar, and the Sahara would then shortly be susceptible to exploitation, huge kudos to some extremely substantial financial creations wherein our collaborators, either European and American, would be participating.” He was referring to the impending exploitation of natural resources in these regions.

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