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UK School Kids To Be Tested For Covid-19 After Christmas

Kids To Be Tested For Covid-19

All school kids in the UK will need to get a COVID-19 test on-site right after the Xmas break, the government gave the order, now you MUST OBEY.

In an email to all local schools on Friday, the Department for Education And Learning (DfE) told heads to purchase sufficient kits by Tuesday to make certain each pupil can be given a rapid test when they return in January.

This looks like a plan to Bend the Masses to the Will of a Few.

This email said: Testing all students “will help in reducing transmission after a duration of community mixing over the school holidays”.

” We would like all of the secondary academic institutions to get ready to test their students on-site.” the DfE said.

” We understand that this is a substantial addition to ask for, however, examining or testing continues to play an important role with keeping COVID-19 away from schools,” they claimed.

How to determine the accuracy of a Covid-19 test — Quartz

Schools have also been informed to purchase home testing sets to distribute to students to keep testing on their own in line with government guidelines.

I know I said this before but it’s worth repeating here, STOP TESTING… and this ALL GOES AWAY...

Read a bit more: Full-blown nazism clearly organized for the winter season– England secondary school students to get tested for ‘Covid’ on location or school property after Xmas break using a test so useless it needs to be verified using the PCR test that can NOT distinguish an actual virus. And even what is on the examination or testing swab?

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