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The Significant Impact on British TV

We’ve noticed a growing trend in the streaming wars that have had a significant impact on British TV shows. The shift towards online platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime has resulted in the emergence of new competitors, creating a complex web of international licensing agreements.

Post-Brexit, the British series is facing a significant setback as they try to compete with European content. With the UK’s departure from the EU, the country’s TV industry has lost the free movement of services that were previously enjoyed. This has resulted in new challenges as British productions seek to make it onto screens in Europe, while EU productions can still easily access UK audiences.

In this article, we’ll explore the impact of Brexit on the British TV industry and how it has affected the competition between British and European content. We’ll delve into the reasons behind this setback and discuss potential solutions to the problem.

The Impact of Brexit on the British TV Industry

The British TV industry has long been a vital component of the country’s creative sector, contributing billions to the UK economy each year. However, Brexit has put the industry’s future in jeopardy. The loss of the free movement of services has had a significant impact on the industry, making it harder for British productions to access European audiences.

One of the main challenges for British productions is the need to navigate a complex web of licensing agreements. Unlike the EU, the UK does not have a single market for digital services, which means that British productions need to negotiate individual deals with each country they want to broadcast in. This has resulted in higher costs and a longer wait time for British TV shows to make it onto screens in Europe.

The Competition Between British and European Content

As British productions struggle to navigate the new post-Brexit landscape, European content has been gaining ground. In particular, French series such as Lupin has been making waves on international platforms like Netflix. These shows have been gaining a wider audience than ever before, leaving British TV shows struggling to compete.

One of the main reasons for the success of European content is the ease with which it can access UK audiences. With no need for complex licensing agreements, EU productions can easily make it onto screens in the UK. This has put British productions at a disadvantage, as they are now competing on an uneven playing field.

Potential Solutions to the Problem

So, what can be done to address the setback faced by British TV productions post-Brexit? One potential solution is for the UK government to negotiate a single market for digital services with the EU. This would simplify the licensing process and make it easier for British productions to access European audiences.

Another potential solution is for British TV producers to focus on creating content that is more attractive to international audiences. This could involve partnering with international production companies to create shows that have a wider appeal. By doing so, British TV producers can increase their chances of success in the global market.

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